Whey is bad for you!

joshisripped said:
man, thats totally ridiculous...i'd be just as pissed as you were if some physician gave me that b.s. about the "putting stress on kidneys". of all the supplements out there, whey protein is by far the safest and cleanest one in my mind. I take 5 shakes of whey per day, 35 grams in each shake. This helps me account 2 grams of protein for every pound I weigh, and as a result, i've seen myself gain quality lean muscle, along with a proper diet and proper weightlift routine. I say you drink that stuff up, just your doctor does have a point, so i'd advise that you drink each shake with 2 cups of water (or milk if thats how you do it) to satisfy him and possibly your parents aswell. and your set!
my mom is a doctor, i told her im starting to work out more so she talked to her dietician friend... who said a guy my size (6'2, 205), shouldnt be intaking more then 112g of protein a day... my goal is about 1.2-1.5g a day which would put me at about 300g a day! the dietician also said something about straining the kidney, but these guys on this web page have reassured me that my moms dietician friend is full of shit, and just saying what the average sedentary person needs a day, and when body building you need extra protein to build the muscle. come to think of it... 300g is fuckin hard to get unless your eating like crazy, which i am trying to do, but i dont have my protein here yet... hopefully soon. so im eating like 8-12 eggwhites, tuna tuna tuna, oatmeal, chicken, fish, steaks etc... lots of green beans and mixed veggie dishes... every 2 or 3 hours im still hungry! eat eat eat!
No whey! Dr. is just not right. It' s all about the proportions. Eggwhites raw are ok. I used to do it all the time. Make sure you use organic or free range, the eggs are way better.
if your parents are that paranoid, I wouldn't tell them you are on this website doing research. Just the url may drive them nuts. Just a thought.
good call, i dont think theyve seen it. if they did i would just explain that it has a nice training forum that has nothin to do with gear.

the reccomended amount of protien for people working out is .6-.8g/lb bodyweight. .7 times mine is about 95 g's. i get this or a bit higher with the shake and reg. diet, so im all set. thanks again for all your guys help.

hmm, anyone else ever get kind of happy the first time you took whey? kinda like your high. lol but seroiusly, i was fuckin happy as hell for the hour or so after it.
I dont think that that's really a known effect of taking whey...i take 5-6 shakes per day and usually am very tempered, but anyway, it was probably just because your excited to start bodybuilding and supplementing. good luck
Most doctors are UNTRAINED to understand not a gym rat's mind, but the basic chemistry between chemicals, vitamins, etc.
All they do is mostly look prescription items up in the state provided drug annuary.
As they're untrained, they just repeat the "more politically correct" slogan at hand: protein stresses your kidneys; creatine stresses your stomach... and walking stresses my joints, but i wouldn't want a wheelchair.
For most family docs but not only, ANY supplement beyond some lame TV multivitamin IS sort of doping.
Another fake argument is they're afraid that by encouraging people to use supplements, young ones especially would soon turn to steroids.
The physiological truth is HOWEVER: if you don't supplement ( vitamins, minerals, and co factors as joint support, creatine perhaps & many others not to forget herbals ) yet you train hard, you'll soon OVERtrain= end of story and you may even get troubles out of it.
That will be when you'll see your smart doctor again & he will pompously PRESCRIBE you mega doses of vitamins & a prescription joint soother & the like.
You may even be fed bs at gyms & by diet "experts".
Most of those people haven't gone beyond the "fitness" hype & some late 1970's shape-up VHS.
Sure, if you just want to tone up a bit, that's another story...good for middle aged housewives.
I found that most doctors I ran into are really not real famliar with dietary supplements,I had questions with which ones may cause my blood pressure to rise and he couldn't help me .