Whey Protein vs Mass Gainer


New member
Been using Whey Protein shakes for the past few months. However, I've been told that Mass Gain drinks are more effective.

From your experience what would you say is better to build muscle?
Been using Whey Protein shakes for the past few months. However, I've been told that Mass Gain drinks are more effective.

From your experience what would you say is better to build muscle?

To build muscle besides protein you need calories. Regular protein shakes dont have alotta calories, weight gainers or "mass gainers" have tons. Grab a "mass gainer" and give the muscles some calories to grow!
Shakes don't seem to do it for me. I gotta eat the real food. You could always buy a protein shake then make a smoothie out of it. Add fruit, oats, etc to increase calories. Most weight gainers use sugar to increase calories. There are exceptions to the rule of course.
Here is a shake I use when on a gaining cycle:

WheyToBuildMuscle Whey
15gm mac oil
80gm oats

and dang yummy!:eek2:
I've got some Universal Gains and that sh1t is packed with calories. Definitely a meal replacement. Get yourself some of those MetRx Protein meal replacement bars. 440 cals and 37g of protein and they're good
egg albumin is the best ... whey is by product that companies sell to supplement comps instead of throwing it away.. its a scam.... thats why they cant get FDA approval.. its worthless..
mass gainer to add mass (weight) and build muscle and whey for building lean muscle thats what ive always been told !!

but when i use weight gainers the weight tends to go where i gain the most weight easy ! an thats the stomach hip an oblique area i also used waximaze too which was really good to gain some weight

at the moment im just running a wpc through the day and a wpi straight after training
At 145 lbs I say go with mass gainer, some of these new ones out you can get 1200 calories out of one shake
Iv'e been looking into both.The surprising thing was the mass gainers have about 50% of your RDA for cholesterol.
Whey protein like muscle builders are really good for building up muscle with very little fat or carbs usually in the drink. I take them 3 times day with 2 of those usually double scooped. I have never used a “gainer” lot of guys I know who have used them have gotten big but they get a lot of excess unwanted weight. Most of them were the football linemen types or power lifters and wanted big weight and weren’t worried about getting huge muscles and cut up like me. I’m pretty sure the gainers have whey protein or egg protein as well, but they have a huge amount of calories in the gainer probably over a thousand and many scoops. So you may gain mass with a gainer but much of it may be unwanted. Like I said I have not used gainer but muscle builders. Try Optimum Nutrition “On” gold standard (choose the flavor) its the one I use and most guys swear buy it. Overall though a probably brand x is near as good. Don’t forget a proper high protein diet and a regular strength training regiment. Hope this helps.,..copied
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i incorporate 2 mass gainer shakes per day in my diet.....i use Optimum Nutrition's Pro Complex Gainer, i mix it with skim milk,2 scoops of the pro complex gainer and 1 cup of oatmeal.I take it after my post workout meal,later in the afternoon and also again 2 hours after my supper....its the best gainer ive used,i just like its profile better,more of the calories comes from the proteins,rather than the carbs,thats why i add the oatmeal to mine,plus it doesnt have but 6g of sugar,and thats a plus for me,i like it better than any other gainer out there,it fits my program better