Which is stronger on a mg for mg basis, femera or arimidex?


New member
I know they did an actual study which showed that 2.5mg of femera was MORE effective than 1mg of arimidex but the femera was also used at a higher doseage. Anyone have any idea if femera is actually stronger than arimidex on a mg for mg basis? I know aromasin, which the average dose is about 25mg per pill cannot even come close on a mg to mg basis but I was wondering about these two.
I would have to say arimidex is stonger mg to mg, if that's the way you want to compare them. I use femara though.

It's hard to say.
Letro is better overall, but it's hard to compare them on a mg for mg basis..
The studies on arimidex I've seen (performed on men) show very little difference when 0.5, 1, 3, and even 10 mg was used...
The suppression was usually about 50 %...
Letro causes significant suppression even at very low doses (0.02 mg - 30% decrease in estradiol)...