Which PH should I use to cut with?


New member
What should I use to cut bf% doing 20 rep sets while still being able to gain a little bit.

I have left over:
RPN Havoc
Katandadrol- don't like this because I get bladder issues easy...

I don't really care if I gain much even 5 lbs but just want to use the stuff to get cut. I've had experience with all of them for bulking. Oddly beast gave me the least side effects of them all with no lethargy.
IMO use the one that gives you the least lethargy. if you feel like shit it makes it a lot harder to do cardio and stick to your routine.

diet will also make a difference. less calories = more lethargic feeling for me.

Katanadrol give you bladder issues? I read the chemical makeup and it doesn't say anything about bladder issues. Can you elaborate?
For some reason it makes me have to keep getting up at night to pee, get back in bed and still feel like i have to pee. Also, during the day it feels like I can't control my bladder like I dribble or something. Stopped taking katanadrol and issues stopped. I even tried taking the minimum dosage.

I can't remember how hella made me feel but havoc gave me way more lethargy than beast. That I recall I don't remember anything bad about beast side effect wise. MY body reacts weird to everything I guess...
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a bottle of transderm will combat lethargy very well. It will b your test base. All ph's will do that, unless you starting using real test while on them. or the transderm, it would be the same as the real stuff but its the next best thing.
I'd go with the hella too if you can't take katana. Bottle of transaderm WILL make a difference with lethargy, for sure.

Sweet that's what I will do then most likely. Does orbit or NTBM sell transderm?

EDIT: Read another post... it will be at ruthlesssupplements I suppose
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I agree with the above using Transderm as a base to support with which ever you choose and as for the PH's Helladrol without a doubt due to the dry gains and decrease in bodyfat, Maybe start with a really low dose of katanadrol and slowly increase the dosage? And if you experience any of those odd side effects you could just get away with the lower dosage and it'd still improve you're over all results and training efforts. That way you have a very legit lean mass/fat shredding stack and since katanadrol doesn't stress the liver you really have the best "bang for your buck cycle" If you need any liver support you can run N2-Guard at 5 caps considering Helladrol (depending on your dosage) won't disintegrate you're liver. Plus it'd improve you're results. :)
If he's having the issues w/ peeing, wouldn't it be a prostate issue? Perhaps some sort of Saw Palmetto supp?
you would really benefit the most with stacking hella and katana together... i would try that first and see if you still have the issues you spoke of... if thats the case, then run hella alone...
Sounds to me like you are having prostate issues. May want to get that checked out or take Yjyankee's advice on the saw palmetto. You could also look into dutasteride from one of the research sites. Its my understanding that it will help with inflamed prostate as well as help your hairline(if thats an issue).