WHO here can be labeled as the most experienced VET on the board?

ulter said:
When you cycle for long periods you need to rotate what you use and the dosing every 6-8 weeks. Currently I am on test 500mg, deca 500mg, eq 400mg and 50mg/day of oxandrolone. From that I'll go to test 300mg/deca 200mg for 6 weeks and then add 700mg of tren, then back to test 300mg/deca 200mg, then I'll add the oxandrolone and eq again. If you just use the same doses and AS you won't improve strength, grow or cut.

Ulter: do you use the Exact Same Brand and Type of Test every time. Just curious. Thanks
No I don't but that's because in my line of work, moderator, I have to try new products by different labs so I can post what I think of them.
I did my first bottle of Test & d-bol in 1990. I mainly stayed with that for a long time and I would hit a small cycle just before summer so I could look good. It wasn't until about 3 years ago I really started doing bigger cycles and stayed on for longer periods of time.
Ulter, out of curiousity, do you just run the AFstore as your only job? That would be a kick ass life, run the AFstore and screw around on the baords all day. Im sure more goes into it that any of us know, but having a job geared towards BBing sounds nice.
How about ironmaster? He doesnt post here too much, except for GH threads, but hasnt he used steroids since the early 70s?
Damn I'm a pup compared to some of you guys. On my second now, but it's going to be a long one, when it's all said and done.

I agree.
Not one person could be a Guru about every single ester out there.
Example me, I aint familiar with GH,DNP , Slin and T3 that much cause there was never a need for me to use those products. Etc.....
Some bros might know alot about a specific profile and not very familiar with others.
Thats what makes a board good.
Theres the specialist that give advice based on personal experience, not whats read in books.

DangerousGrounds said:
I juiced almost 19 yrs but really only learned much on net in 6 yrs I have been online...never did gh and don't consider myself a vet but experienced in certain issues.
You never NEVER! know all..
soon as you do you are a legend in your own mind.

I never did over a gram a week until age 30.
Well there are a couple of you that have been at this longer than me. I've been training for 20 years I did my first cycle in 1990. I did have 6 years in the middle where I did not juice so I haven't been on the entire time.
I am sure Iron Master Is up there w/ Ulter.

I have 6 years of gear and Gh under my Belt and I have been training fir about 10 years
ulter said:
Ironmaster's first bench was done with a stick with rocks tied on the ends.


I wish the guy would post here more, I have more respect for him than most other vets I have ever seen. Hes a good guy with tons of knowledge.