Those kind words brought me away from my daily activities at the rest home to reply. I'm always the oldest, longest whatever.
Actually, ulter, my first weight set was bought in 1963 from the back of a comic book......Charles Atlas brand, I think. Anyone remember that ad? The skinny guy gets sand kicked in his face by a beach bully who also steals his girlfriend. Skinny guy buys weights, works out, comes back and beats up bully....and gets girl. Sold me, hook line and sinker.
I played big school college football from 67 through 71. We had dbol, pain pills, cortisone shots, and uppers, thanks to the training staff. I loved those blue dbols, still do.
Man, there are a bunch of fine brothers passing through this board!!! Ulter, The Almighty, DRvee, lawnsaver, doc, all the moderators and administrators..........hell, it's an honor to know you guys as friends.
A great man once said "we are best known by the company we keep". Well, the company here is pretty fuckin good.