I cant belive you dont taking anyting to help you especially you're asian!! you can order good shit from china or thailand and have a good cycle.
hey there amino77. nah i'll see what my natural strength can do and see what happens.

well, yes, I am asian, chinese!

nasdaq: thanks
Cartman281 said:
did you die? Wheres the updated pics?
It's quite possible and more than likely that he's too busy to post pics at this time, people do have lives outside of this website you know. If you look in the online training journal section, he regularly posts his routine there. What's the rush?
vacation pics and yes, I gave it a try and see how the old muay thai -ers do it. real kicks thrown and pause for pic. sorry no vid of it.

island hopping and yes, they do make u wear them vest even though u know how to

best view was the last pic. i have more pics of me with my family, but knowing how people treat gals on this forum, i'll only show it to a handful of people.





http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h48/AngryMuscles/pic06.jpg <--high kick failed, but you get the idea





http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h48/AngryMuscles/pic01.jpg <---sleeping on plane on first day going to PALAWAN

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it looks like the vandam " ya spelling mistake i know " movie where he goes to thailand to fight the guy who crippled his brother.

Hunt that tree down.
damn hommie that last pic of you on the beach with arms cross...
you got soem tree stumps as legs mofo
looks like ya had a good time
thank you luqui and adi!!!

lol the last pic was taken by my younger sister and I really didn't expect it would turn out greater than it was.

thanks for the compliment about me legs ;3

i had a good time. of course, what is a good time in return...cash cash cash. spend a lot of them doughs, but worth it