WHqt does your body feel like on T3?


New member
Is it like a large dose of caffeine or ephedrine or something else. I am considering trying it to lose weight but am afraid of the sides. My body does not react well to high doses of caffeine.
I am not an expert on this, but my understanding is that sufficiently high doses of T3 will raise your body temp and heart rate. In other words it will increase your metabolism so that you burn more calories.

T3 is catobolic though -- meaning it will burn muscle. It should not be used unless you are cycling AAS (or on TRT).
T3 increases your metabolism, I am only doing 50mcg tho along side tren as tren supresses your thyroid output
I don't notice any heart rate issues with t3
I feel warmer and maybe a bit more anxious.
Not anxiety from stimulant use, but probably due to increased metabolism and my brain interpreting it as anxiety.
It does cause your metabolism to increase, which is why you feel hungry a lot. The body tries to compensate, though, so your cardio takes a huge hit. I would stack T3 with the SARM GW-50. GW50 is supposed to increase your cardio endurance, so it should help to offset the crushing of cardio that T3 does.
T3 works great but should be taken with caution...

Some people experience muscle weakness - and a higher dose of 80-100 mcg can easily
put you into a catabolic state and also "reduce anabolism when approaching higher levels."

I typically run it around 50 mcg-75mcg... once in a great while I'll go up to 80mcg.

Me being me - put this to the test and ran it over 100mcg which put me into an unrecognized, major catabolic state... the signs
were very subtle so I didn't notice it at first...

The signs were... simply not being able to lift as much as I should - and at the time I didn't relate it to T3.

By the time I figured it out - I would say I lost my gains from the previous cycle...

However it does work great and I still use it... "just at lower doses."

Here's the starting dose, which is recommended at 25 mg daily - then increased by no more than
25 mg every 1-2 weeks ... with the established maintenance dose of 24-75 mg.

Also - you should not discontinued abruptly... just as you should not start a cycle of T3 at peak levels - it's best to reduce it
by a dose of around 25 mcg every 4-7 days.

At the very least I would drop 30 mcg and then the other 30 mcg after 4 days.

Please keep us posted. :D