Why are SARMS so great?? The proof is in the pics! ULTRA PROGRESS!!


I am banned!
I have been on my SARMS stack of S4 and Ostarine from uniquemicals.com for 3 weeks now... You be the judge on the pics on the progress that I have made... This progress and gains have been nothing short of spectacular... I LOVE SARMS! =)
very impressive bro..... 2 questions: are they legal (will customs snag my pakage?) and does it elevate blood pressure? again, nice work!
thanks bro! no elevation in blood pressure at all bro... sarms sides are very minimal... s4 has been known to give some visions issues and they could be slightly suppressive but other than that, no sides at all... i'll have to look into the customs question... i know they will ship international... Uniquemicals... i think you will be fine because they ship worldwide frequently... they have a 50% off sale right now and the quality is awesome! i am running mk2866 and s4 right now...

very impressive bro..... 2 questions: are they legal (will customs snag my pakage?) and does it elevate blood pressure? again, nice work!
SARMS have their place and the best place for them is to bridge in between cycles... they are perfect for not only maintaining cycle gains but for adding to those gains... they have their purpose, just like anything else does...
very impressive bro..... 2 questions: are they legal (will customs snag my pakage?) and does it elevate blood pressure? again, nice work!

legal, well depending on country...In USA, yes, but only for research use.

no, they will not mess with BP like AAS does.
Before pictures or this thread is useless.

You look very cut....we you carrying quite a bit more BF before using SARM?

I have been on my SARMS stack of S4 and Ostarine from uniquemicals.com for 3 weeks now... You be the judge on the pics on the progress that I have made... This progress and gains have been nothing short of spectacular... I LOVE SARMS! =)

You said you'd do leg pics in your log but you never did...let's see the wheels bro!
Starting Ostarine and S4 stack today. Osta starting out at 25 mg, and S4 starting at 30 mg (15mg x 2 times a day). Being a little conservative, hoping to keep the dreaded vision sides down. Also on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), 400 mg cyp, every 2 wks. That's what years of AAS usage and competitive powerlifting will do! Looking for some joint healing/strengthening, and big numbers again. We shall see what kind of strength they give.
I'm using them coming off pct from helladrol... I put on about 15 lbs. on helladrol and have actually put on about 3 more since starting sarms... i was about 7% body fat when I started helladrol and am now down to 6.2%...

Before pictures or this thread is useless.

You look very cut....we you carrying quite a bit more BF before using SARM?
