Why are so many women such followers?

I agree with RJ (thereby disagreeing with Mrs. P, sorry ma'am).

People don't change that easily. Women make that mistake all the time thinking they can change their man...ain't happening. If you're this concerned about it now then what happens later?

Tough situation. You've only been with her for a little while and you're living with her though? How'd that happen?

I hear you, but I tell you women are complicated, & I do think some people can change, not because others want them to change, but because they mature & realize all the silly crap they were doing...

That's why I asked massive for her age, because she's acting like a teenage girl, that's going through an acceptance stage with her little girl friends, I have friends, talk to them, listen to them, but honestly I've always been myself, even if I wasn't cool or seemed different than everybody else...
As you get older you realize that you have to find who you really are, & accept it.

Unless this is her personality & she's just a brat, then I think massive knows what he should do :)
Thanks for the input everyone. In all honesty she's not a brat or a spoiled high maintenance girl at all. I like that about her. Been there done that. It's weird how sex seems to bring a girl back to reality sometimes. We had both been real busy the past few days. After I posted this I took it out on her real good and things fall back into place. As for people not being able to change I uderstand why people might say that but it's not always true. I used to be the biggest piece of shit in the world. Cheated, fucked around with drugs, treated others like shit and stepped on people for whatever was convenient for myself. I'm a different person now. Much more caring, real with everyone, 100% honest an faithful with my girl. I'm done with the bullshit playing games and seeing a few girls at the same time. Sure I got laid but at the end of the day it destroyed a lot of good things for me and put me in a place I wasn't happy with. If I could change all that I have faith shell come to her senses.

After we fucked I sat her down and wetalked about diet and training and how her friend might have good intentions but doesn't know anything...shes simply repeating what she googled 3 mins earlier. Long story short we went to the gym and I had her run through a pretty intense cross training session I put together for her. I kicke her ass. We went food shopping and I taught her what's good and what's not and why. She took to it really well.

I'm not trying to compete with her friends I'm glad she has them...just pisses me off when women take shit advice from friends and shut out good advice from loved oes just because they'd rather hear it from someone else

Oh she's mid 20s I'm late 20s.
Thanks for the input everyone. In all honesty she's not a brat or a spoiled high maintenance girl at all. I like that about her. Been there done that. It's weird how sex seems to bring a girl back to reality sometimes. We had both been real busy the past few days. After I posted this I took it out on her real good and things fall back into place. As for people not being able to change I uderstand why people might say that but it's not always true. I used to be the biggest piece of shit in the world. Cheated, fucked around with drugs, treated others like shit and stepped on people for whatever was convenient for myself. I'm a different person now. Much more caring, real with everyone, 100% honest an faithful with my girl. I'm done with the bullshit playing games and seeing a few girls at the same time. Sure I got laid but at the end of the day it destroyed a lot of good things for me and put me in a place I wasn't happy with. If I could change all that I have faith shell come to her senses.

After we fucked I sat her down and wetalked about diet and training and how her friend might have good intentions but doesn't know anything...shes simply repeating what she googled 3 mins earlier. Long story short we went to the gym and I had her run through a pretty intense cross training session I put together for her. I kicke her ass. We went food shopping and I taught her what's good and what's not and why. She took to it really well.

I'm not trying to compete with her friends I'm glad she has them...just pisses me off when women take shit advice from friends and shut out good advice from loved oes just because they'd rather hear it from someone else

Oh she's mid 20s I'm late 20s.

Glad things worked out bro

I was right about the age-
Thanks for the input everyone. In all honesty she's not a brat or a spoiled high maintenance girl at all. I like that about her. Been there done that. It's weird how sex seems to bring a girl back to reality sometimes. We had both been real busy the past few days. After I posted this I took it out on her real good and things fall back into place. As for people not being able to change I uderstand why people might say that but it's not always true. I used to be the biggest piece of shit in the world. Cheated, fucked around with drugs, treated others like shit and stepped on people for whatever was convenient for myself. I'm a different person now. Much more caring, real with everyone, 100% honest an faithful with my girl. I'm done with the bullshit playing games and seeing a few girls at the same time. Sure I got laid but at the end of the day it destroyed a lot of good things for me and put me in a place I wasn't happy with. If I could change all that I have faith shell come to her senses.

After we fucked I sat her down and wetalked about diet and training and how her friend might have good intentions but doesn't know anything...shes simply repeating what she googled 3 mins earlier. Long story short we went to the gym and I had her run through a pretty intense cross training session I put together for her. I kicke her ass. We went food shopping and I taught her what's good and what's not and why. She took to it really well.

I'm not trying to compete with her friends I'm glad she has them...just pisses me off when women take shit advice from friends and shut out good advice from loved oes just because they'd rather hear it from someone else

Oh she's mid 20s I'm late 20s.

Good for you two Massive :)