Why do some guys feel better with a lower TT while on TRT?


New member
I've noticed some guys say they "feel better" with a lower TT vs a high TT. I'm curious on why? In my travels over in the anabolic steroid forum, the guys talk about "how great they feel" with a TT in the 3,000ish range. One would logically assume that the high the TT, the better one will feel.

Started injections mid June of this year and am still getting dialed in. My doc is a little more on the liberal side and has me at 1100 TT as a trough. I'm just wondering if this is too high and I might "feel better" with a lower TT.

I was previously at 700TT and can say I really don't feel any different now that I'm at 1100 TT.
it might have to do with estrogen control..

so it might not be the tt itself.. but the mixture of the current ai dosage they are taking works better with lower tt.. get it??

im sure if i doubled my adex and took my test up to 250-300mg, keeping my estrogen in check, id feel alot better

remember that its highly individualistic..

my through readings are 700.. i feel great..

i have upped my dosage before to blast and feel even better.. but im blasting.. im not in trt anymore
I think it also has to do with Hemoglobin and SHBG. The older you get, the less tolerant you become in those depts.