Why does everyone hate PH/DS (non traditional AAS)


New member
Time to start another controversial thread but everyone on here seems to flame the idea of using a PH/DS or anything non traditional.

Lets be clear though, the definition of AAS is "anabolic androgenic steroids" so PH or DS would both fall into this category as PED's. That said, they are non traditional. Also, DS and PH are different in that DS do not have to convert.

Everyone seems to argue that they are slightly rougher on the liver...but if you are only running them for 4-6 weeks then it won't cause a problem. Also, that is completely and totally anecdotal and cannot be claimed without fairly extensive blood work under controlled conditions with multiple individuals.

Either way there is really nothing that would make a PH "more harsh" scientifically. Mtren is the harshest AAS every made (mg for mg) with halotestin and anadrol coming in next up probably. So in comparison to those three, msten, Suderdrol, or M1T are somewhere on the same level and provide gains that most AAS don't (ie. DRY) because the big mass gainers like dbol and drol are wet.

Any oral run for 4-6 weeks (maybe limit SD, mtren, halo, and M1T to 4 weeks) is going to be safe.

However, a DS/PH like halodrol, epistane, or pmag/mechabol will be less harsh (even at fairly high doses) than most traditional AAS (from the blood work I have seen).

IMO a PED is a PED and you use whichever one fits your goals and some AAS do not offer the benefits of PH/DS.

^^^^^^If that was for fun..OK..say so...otherwise internet toughguy..shut the fuck up.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Honestly SWIM, I dont comment on these as i ve never done em and am only trying to maintain what I got at almost 50, you know ? I train 1 hour 4-5 day s a week with weights then I do as much aerobic to follow every other day.

I m anxious to learn what other s say. I m on doc testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and having been competitive in bbdng and pwrlftg...I m staying with a very light cruise....to the grave son.

yea it was for fun because he started a thread asking why everyone on the board is a pussy. thought the lol kinda took the edge off
The main concern with PH are no one knows the long term side effect of these steroids. I have used PH (Dymethazine) and the gains were great. The problem is that it always spiked my blood pressure and It always tore up my stomach. I just think there harder on the body compared to AAS.
why would anyone want to take Mtren when they can take Tren Acetate unless they were scared of needles? the board is called steroidology not prohormoneology
It's not that I hate PH/DS per se, it's the people that want to avoid injections seem to think they are a safe alternative when in fact many orals are far more harsh on the body and don't necessarily have lasting gains. I kind of lump PH/DS into the same category as oral only cycles, they get the job done, but at what cost and for how long? I've seen way more side effects from PH/DS than testosterone cycles by far with a greater crash from the former. (Given equal PCT)

My .02c :)
^true. But you don't take orals only (or you shouldn't) whether it is AAS or PH/DS. Both traditional AAS and PH/DS do the exact same thing and you would take orals for multiple reasons

1. Explosive gains that you maintain/solidify with test and other injects
2. competitions
3. strength gains are far greater than injects (ie. powerlifting or sports) and you maintain/increase those with injects

You could do a test only cycle (which is IMO a waste) and gain 10-15lbs or you could do the same test cycle with a kicker (SD, msten, M1T, etc) and gain 25lbs plus get greater strength gains...its getting more bang for your buck out of each cycle. Not to mention the contest/physique benefits of orals like anavar, winstrol, mtren, SD, etc
why would anyone want to take Mtren when they can take Tren Acetate unless they were scared of needles? the board is called steroidology not prohormoneology

Because the real world effects of mtren are much different and more pronounced than acetate. Using it for the physique benefits or leading up to a show are great. Also, it doesn't matter what the board is called. Superdrol is a steroid, anadrol is a steroid. Therefore there are both tools to assist in the goals of guys on this forum...a steroid forum.
^true. But you don't take orals only (or you shouldn't) whether it is AAS or PH/DS. Both traditional AAS and PH/DS do the exact same thing and you would take orals for multiple reasons

1. Explosive gains that you maintain/solidify with test and other injects
2. competitions
3. strength gains are far greater than injects (ie. powerlifting or sports) and you maintain/increase those with injects

You could do a test only cycle (which is IMO a waste) and gain 10-15lbs or you could do the same test cycle with a kicker (SD, msten, M1T, etc) and gain 25lbs plus get greater strength gains...its getting more bang for your buck out of each cycle. Not to mention the contest/physique benefits of orals like anavar, winstrol, mtren, SD, etc

I wouldn't call test on its own a waste, but I do agree that PH/DS/Orals have a definite place in a cycle. I don't remember off the top of my head, but aren't some DS more anabolic than some AAS? I think it all boils down to the individual recognizing what these do to their bodies and making the proper decision to have a base for ANY cycle regardless if it is classified as a PH/DS/Oral AAS.
Ill try any AAS, but PH and all that bullshit is for pusses who can't get the real deal. Anyone can go order some ph online. Not everyone has access to quality anabolics tho
Because the real world effects of mtren are much different and more pronounced than acetate. Using it for the physique benefits or leading up to a show are great. Also, it doesn't matter what the board is called. Superdrol is a steroid, anadrol is a steroid. Therefore there are both tools to assist in the goals of guys on this forum...a steroid forum.

i highly doubt that Mtren or all your other designer steroids will give better results than a test/tren stack! i do know that your designer drugs will absolutely wreck your liver so have fun living in your fantasy world the next few years till you need a liver transplant