Why does everyone hate PH/DS (non traditional AAS)

And to qualify my statement. A test only cycle is a waste compared to the strength/size you could gain using other compounds with it. Unless you blast and cruise, most guys I know want to get the most out of each cycle. There are reasons to do a test only cycle (ie. staying in a weight class) but most guys like to add other compounds to gain strength or lose fat (ie tren)

ummmm like im on test only right now (i have done many cycles with compounds) and its very VERY nice of a cycle.... you dont need a bunch fo crap to put on muscle....
it wouldn't be legal if it was a anabolic steroid

not true superdrol (well now illegal but not a few months ago) is methyl-masterone .. IT IS a steroid NOT a pro-h.

its loop holes people use.
i like superdrol, its ok. bit i avoid orals 99% of the time... why? well why use something hard on the body when there are lots of injects that are much safer AND give better results.
Many DS are more potent than traditional AAS. SD is 3x as anabolic as dbol with a 1/5 of the androgenic effect. M1T has all of them beat I think besides Mtren at an anabolic rating of 1600 (not exactly sure as I do not have 10th anabolics in front of me).

Its all about using the right tools for the job and using any oral in proper lengths/dosages will not harm you long term (anymore than appropriately using tylenol or prescription pain meds will). Doctors use oral steroids, many times, in ways BB's never would.

can compare tylenol to mtren my friend
was referring to msten which still markets itself as a PH

Exactly ***8220;markets itself as***8221; you dildo. You can't say - buy my anabolic androgenic steroids legally right here!! Would result in faster banning of the substance and less people would use the substance because ***8220;its a steroid***8221;. The people who are selling these online want potential customers (normally noobs to bodybuilding + aas) to think - 'oh this is a pro hormone, not a steroid, and its legal, so that means its safe' which as we know is not the case.

M-sten > dbol in terms of anabolic rating