why does everyone knock on animal and universal products


New member
im curius as to why most ppl on this board rip on universal and animal products .........ive used animal stak, m-stack, and love the animal pac vitamin/mineral supp plusi've used alot of there other supp's and all i get are awesome results......i admit there over priced but if you know were to shop u can get them at resonable prices like at www.bodybuilding.com. hell i even did an mstack and stack at the same time along with the universal isostack (which is another methoxy) and put on 15 lbs in 3 weeks......if u guys would be kind enough to explain to me the reasons why u claim its a scam or worthles product id like to hear why. thanks
What you have to understand is that not all products work
for everyone. Some that may work for you may not for others.
Take what works for you and quit worrying about what others
think about it. Evidently it didn't work for them. O'well it worked
for you right? So keep gaining!

Just my opinion*
hey bigc,
its not that im worried about what others think .......i just wanted to know if they had an "educated reason" besides it sux for them to knock it. plus any suggestions on something similiar id open for also.but thanks for the advice also.......
If you're not worried about what others think you wouldn't
have asked the question. All I'm saying is why are you worried
why people are bashing the product if it's working for you?
If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Maybe, I just don't understand your question.
You asked if people could tell you why they think its worthless...

Who gives a phuck if they think its worthless man, It's not
worthless for you so.....what's the big deal.

Are your questions just for shits and giggles?
hey big c,
i think my question is more of .......is there a specific reason(i.e. the ingrediants are sh!t or the process universal uses is bogus) i just wanted to know if there was real science or education in their reason or is it more of that stuff didnt work for me so it must be sh!t....does that make more sense now.......
thanks big c for your feed back
This is a valid question, in my opinion. So often people ask questions (newbies & vets alike) and they get a simple response... "it sucks" or "its good", which are very vague answers. Im guilty of simple one word answers, like I assume my word is good enough, but more often than not it needs to be backed up with some evidence. Thats why I challenge everyone in this forum to back up their answers with real evidence. Pubmed.com is an excellent source of info. to back up or discredit various supplements or theories.