Why is it so easy for people,who have never trained a day in there lives to criticize


New member
So what if i use anabolics,I still get up everydamn day 5 days a week to work out everymorning.I bleed and sweat in the gym every morning for the body i have.
So how dare you sit on your fat ass and gorge yourself with doughnuts and sit there and crticize what ive worked hard for.
Whenever people have tried to downplay my hardwork,I just wanna rip their heads off.

I ve had so much compliments and love from strangers and friends about my hard work,but there has been a minority of haters.

I get really emotional about people like this

Do you guys have haters ?? people who are jealous and have hated on your success ??

how does it make you feel brothers ??

no matter how many haters i encounter in life,I will never quit swole til I die

this is my lifestyle,girls,friends,fun time come second,the only thing that comes first is work and working out.
They want to believe they can do what you do, n that the only thing stopping them is an illegal magic pill...
we all have haters brother because we are the physical elite. it's easier to sit back and criticize and say that they could look like that too if they stuck needles in their ass, but the real truth besides jealousy, and their chicks checking us out, is ignorants, they don't know what we do in the gym and what we eat and sacrifice, so they are pathetic really. that pretty much sums it up in my opinion.
oh yeah, and the fact that we could tear their heads off if we felt like it scares them a little.....lol
natty checking in.

same thing happens to us man. its always "oh i could get a body like that easy, but id rather just tone up"

lmao, tone up= stay fat but pretend its working
Because you sound like an insecure jerk maybe?

I'm not kidding or flaming, just being honest. And I put up with the same shit but I don't care. People view bodybuilders as insecure, arrogant and vain. And when I read your post it's not surprising why. Because you're super dedicated to the detriment of a social life means fuck all to the average joe. "Girls, friends, fun time come second"? What do you want out of life? To be physically awesome and completely alienated?

I'm not saying theyre right or you're wrong necessarily but there is a reason a lot of people frown upon an obsession with physical perfection.
I usually don't care. Maybe I haven't really been hated that much but complimented. Ppl joke around and stuff but I take it as compliment or be like whatever. Who cares? I do this for my own challenge and my own accomplishment. I thought it was silly when my friends go to gym and do it to impress girls. I go to gym wearing old baggy shirt and old gym shorts with busted chuck taylor looking unattractive as hell because I really don't care. But that's just me.
Who cares what people say about anything. Be real and be true and let the chips fall. Everybody isn't gonna like you and the people who do like you are not gonna like everything about you.

Be huge for yourself. Because you like being huge. Because it gives you confidence and because you feel good.

Don't be huge to get compliments or pick up chicks.

Check youtube for countless examples of hating of people far more accomplished in their field than you or I. Do you think Yngwie cares that some wanker from Winnipeg thinks he "doesn't play with feeling"?

If I take my little fluffy dogs out in my front yard in the morning half asleep and wearing my wife's robe, who gives a F if my neighbors see me. They might chuckle, but who cares and most of the time it's only because they're too scared to do the same thing. They always have to keep up appearances.

I am free. I don't have any self-imposed limitations or a role that I constantly have to portray. I'm not saying I go outside mincing around in her delicates, but I don't care what someone's impression of me is.

Don't let other people's perception of you influence your perception of yourself. Don't waste your time with what others do. People are mean, jealous, inconsiderate and stupid. You'll be frustrated every day if you concern yourself with these people.

Of course all this flies out the window if you're an a$$hole. But if you're living well, if you're good to others and if you have a good heart, who cares what TMZ says about you.