Wife on SottoPelle testosterone, questions


New member
My wife started SottoPelle testosterone pellets over a year ago. She went from feeling totally burned out, exhausted, no libido to the exact opposite in all cases. She felt great, and other than a TINY bit of enlargement of the fiddly bits (which wasn't a negative) there were no downsides. No facial hair, hair loss...nothing! Her labwork showed her T levels at 9 prior to the ng/dl prior to the pellet, and about 200 ng/dl 4 weeks after implant of the first pellet. (In retrospect that seems high, but at the time I didn't pay much attention.)

She began feeling run down again in about 12 weeks, and had the second pellet, at which point she felt great within a week or so, and her doc said they'd just do new pellets every 12 weeks. Doc told her that they usually lasted 16 weeks, but perhaps she just absorbed them more quickly. So every 12 weeks she was getting a pellet, and she usually only felt a tiny drop in energy just a few days before the next pellet.

So more than a year goes by since her labwork that was done 4 weeks after the first pellet, and everything is great. She has energy, libido, focus, etc. Other than the (again, tiny) bit of enlargement of her clitoris, absolutely no sides. She goes in for her pellet, the doc realizes it's been more than a year since bloodwork, and says they'll do bloodwork instead of a pellet and then do the pellet after the results.

A week goes by with no call from the doctor, and the wife is feeling a little less energy every day. Results come back at just over 200ng/dl, and the PA tells my wife "no pellet for you."

Well, that's pretty crummy doctoring, as there was no further plan for a later checkup, etc.

Now I realize that her levels are pretty high and I'm kinda shocked that she's not feeling good at that level. It's now been about a month since that doctor appointment and she feels worse now than she did then, though NOTHING like she felt prior to the first pellet. I had her go to privatemdlabs, get a requisition and go to Labcorp. Got results the next morning (why the heck did the doctor take a week?) and at this point she's 160ng/dl ref range 8-48. Estradiol is 40 pg/ml.

So I'm perplexed at a few things: First, her levels had to have been 300+ prior to the last bloodwork. That was where she felt good and had no sides. By the time she got to the doc and it was a bit over 200, she was feeling the drop in energy, and now at 160, she's dragging.

So, my questions: First, of course, any comments in general or any light anyone can shed on this? Any idea why she would be feeling the T drop when she's already WAY over the reference range for women? Any idea how she's been cruising along at 200-300 ng/dl testosterone and not had any sides? Finally, if she felt great at 250-300 ng/dl, and had no sides in almost a year and a half, is there a compelling reason for her to not get there and stay there again?

A little more background: We are both super-strict on diet, have been for years. We'd fit best in what most would call a Paleo template that doesn't shy away from carbs. High quality proteins, fats, and minimally processed carbs make up our diet. She's lean (not quite as lean as she'd like) and has a slender build by default. She's in her mid 40s.

If your wife is doing testosterone alone she will become testosterone dominant! This same thing happens to women on estrogen alone.

We have an amazing program for women that has worked wonders for our female clients. We have a lot of female doctors on our program as well. This program was developed by IMT with the help of a handful of female physicians. Here is a short write up about it!

let me know if you have any questions.

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Interesting. It sounds like it's all transdermals?

I'm still shocked that her T levels were so high. In fact, I'm amazed that she could be 200-300 for so long without any noticeable side effects! When her T was high, she consistently felt good.

She's letting the last of the pellet dissipate, but I don't know at this point if she'll go back to the same doctor. I may put her in touch with you and let her investigate your approach. I'm a bit leery about the transdermals after my experience, but I bet you have more takers amongst women for that you would self injection.
Interesting. It sounds like it's all transdermals?

I'm still shocked that her T levels were so high. In fact, I'm amazed that she could be 200-300 for so long without any noticeable side effects! When her T was high, she consistently felt good.

She's letting the last of the pellet dissipate, but I don't know at this point if she'll go back to the same doctor. I may put her in touch with you and let her investigate your approach. I'm a bit leery about the transdermals after my experience, but I bet you have more takers amongst women for that you would self injection.

She has her choice of transdermals or injections :) Our compounded formula is designed so all she has to do is take 3 shots a month! All three hormones are balanced and dosages are different depending on the shot phase she is in. This program has done exceeding well, so well in fact almost all of the female doctors in our network are now on the program.

Give me a 3 way call and we can go over all of her concerns together!

I found a better way to post the program details so I figured I would put it up here :)

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If your wife is doing testosterone alone she will become testosterone dominant! This same thing happens to women on estrogen alone.

We have an amazing program for women that has worked wonders for our female clients. We have a lot of female doctors on our program as well. This program was developed by IMT with the help of a handful of female physicians. Here is a short write up about it!

let me know if you have any questions.


Great info ! thanks!