Will adding Bw to my IGF-1(in powder form) in a 1ml vial downgrade it.

The data from those storage times is with the igf reconst in just AA. Although he mentions mixing with BA and freezing it at the bottom of the article I've heard from a number of people not to reconst it with BA/BW, just straight AA. I'm gonna look later and see if I can find some info on it from one of them.

The stability of a liquid solution of LR3IGF-I was monitored for a period of two years at storage conditions of -20 C, +4 C, +22 C, and +37 C. The final concentration of LR3IGF-I was in acetic acid. At various time points, samples were taken and compared to a lyophilized control (stored at 4 C). Listed below are the stability results for each respective storage condition.

Storage Condition: -20 C (-4 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
Mobility of Protein No Change up to 2 years
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

Storage Condition: +4 C (39.2 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
Mobility of Protein No Change up to 2 years
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

Storage Condition: +22 C (71.6 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 2 years
Immunological Activity No Change up to 2 years
Mobility of Protein No Change up to 2 years
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 2 years

Storage Condition: +37 C (98.6 F)
Biological Potency No Change up to 1 year
Immunological Activity No Change up to 1 year
Mobility of Protein No Change up to 1 year
Elution Profile by reversed phased HPLC No Change up to 1 year
In conclusion
There is no significant difference in the potency of LR3IGF-I associated with the storage of the liquid formulation when stored at this range of temperatures. There is no evidence for loss of biological activity at any of the tested temperatures when stored as a liquid product. As you can see IGF can be quite stable for even a year at room temp, but if you want to keep it around for a while stick it into the fridge. So IMO the best way to store LR3 that is suspended in BA is in the freezer. The BA wont allow it to freeze. And if you have it suspended in AA, store it in the fridge.