Will aromasin help with water retention on test cyp and eq?


New member
Today I started my recomp cycle of

Test Cyp- 500mg per week
EQ- 600mg per week
Anavar 60mg for the first 8 weeks

Will the aromasin help to not retain water from the test? Should I dose 12.5 mg daily or 25mg EOD?
It will help by lowering estradiol if it is elevated which causes water to be retained. Most guys would have high estradiol on your dose of Test.

What cycles have you run in the past? Did you use an AI previously? And what did your estradiol come in at with your blood work.

What are your stats: age, weight, height, bodyfat %?
you should use an AI with high test doses to keep estro normal, yeah it will help water vs. letting your estro go wild IMO
OP really you must have not done your reading n educating yourself. Go and read the sticky's back where you came in to post your thread n Q's.

There is an article explaining Estrogen and Prolactin and there are many other educational threads. You need to know what Aromatizing is about and then you might have a handle on your Q's.

As Meg asked you please tell us your stats and history.
ill keep this one simple.. start with 12.5mg ed, if you see youre still gaining alot of water weight move it up to 25mg ed

aromasin has to be taken ed thanks to its short half life..

im an adex fan for that reason alone