Will DHEA shut you down?....


New member
I talking about the stuff that is in every vitamin shop. Walmart, gnc and others.
They say it still converts and you need an anti e. What are your thoughts?
it can due to the fact that dhea has a direct affect on the hypothalamus, but its person depedant and androgen receoptor sensitivity dependant, realize also that orally its highly estrogenic in men. magnesium oil helps produce endogenous dhea.
it can due to the fact that dhea has a direct affect on the hypothalamus, but its person depedant and androgen receoptor sensitivity dependant, realize also that orally its highly estrogenic in men. magnesium oil helps produce endogenous dhea.
Gotcha good to know.
I would imagine that it depends on the type of dhea, the duration in which the user will be running it for, as well as the dosing... 4-andro is a type of dhea and it works really well in terms of keeping your libido active during your cycle. it works great as a test base