will i lose my hair?


how much worse is Winstrol (winny) for the hair line?
i have taken d-bol and test and i lost some peices of hair but no receeding of hair line or anything, you think Winstrol (winny) will fuck my hairline up? (i know there is no way to know for sure, but i just wanted to see what people had to say from personal experience.)
-i am on week 10 of a 12 week 700 mg a week sust cycle
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if you're prone to MPB then Winstrol (winny) and all other steroids will speed the process up... Winstrol (winny) is harsher than others tho
my dad has a almost a full head of hair at 60.. and i am already fucking tan enough haha wasnt sure how harsh d-bol was, but it did nothing to my hair.
AZlift said:
my dad has a almost a full head of hair at 60.. and i am already fucking tan enough haha wasnt sure how harsh d-bol was, but it did nothing to my hair.

MPB is a recessive trait carried by the female of our species and your uncles on your mothers side would be a better indicator of wether or not you carry the gene than your fathers hairline. Is losing your hair really gonna change your decision to use steroids or not?
MPB is a recessive trait carried by the female of our species and your uncles on your mothers side would be a better indicator of wether or not you carry the gene than your fathers hairline.

Thats wrong, both father and mother are good indicators.
Well if that is true then I stand corrected. It has been a while since 9th grade biology class for me. I did however look back through my cycle journals over the last 8 yrs and I had made notes about excessive hairloss on two different cycles over the years, one containing Winstrol (winny) and the other was Tren A. So atleast for me those two drugs seem to be worse than others.
Winny is the only Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) that made me shed some. I am fine with test and even tren,,,,but no more Winstrol (winny) for me.
Winny scares me too. I had it planned in for 8 weeks in March 07 for assistance in cutting for show. I have read so much about it and it seems to be the hair killer. I am sure it will cause me to go bald also. Take your chances, thats the only advice one can give.
AZlift said:
how much worse is Winstrol (winny) for the hair line?

It's the only thing i've ever had effect my hiarline and it happened very quicly and stopped as soon as I stopped popping the tabs.
from what i hear Winstrol (winny) isnt that great any way, so if your gonna take something hard on your hair u might as well take something youll get more out of.

or why wouldnt u try some tbol or var.

by the way ive been growing alot of hair back since the summer from using nizerol and spiro every day.
so is it possible to grow that hair back when lost through Winstrol (winny)? or does it mean ones its out its out?
it depends on the person. but dont take the chance. especially for Winstrol (winny). For test i would say it was worth it.
Never had a problem with thinning/losing hair while on cycle until I ran 6 weeks of oral Winstrol (winny) during my last prop/tren/winny cutter. Have done several cycles with test, tren, deca, dbol, eq etc etc etc, and have never had a problem until now :( I liked the effects (strength continued to rise after 10+ weeks of test/tren, and was noticeably harder and more vascular) but it's just not worth the hair loss. Never again.