Will We Ever Be Satisfied????


Gettin Swole
I am just curious to everyones thoughts on being satisfied with our bodies. I would like to think that one day I will have my ideal body and be satisfied enough to no longer use steroids. Although I would like to think that I will be satisfied one day, I am also realistic. In reality I dont think I will ever be satisfied and always try to improve. I think that this will cause me to stay juicing forever. How do you guys & gals feel about this?
Good thread man. I always think about this question as well. When will I draw the line. I am never satisfied with the way I look. If I am ripped, then I am unsatisfied cuz I don't fill up my shirts, but then again if Im Bulky, then I want 6 pack abs. To sum this up, I don't think I will be satisfied for a really long time if ever!
I forsee myself getting to the point where I only need to do one lean mass cycle a year. We'll see.
its along the same lines when bulimic/anorexic women who are deathly skinny but their self-perception drives them to continue their behavior... apples to oranges but same line of thinking
I seriously hope that I am satisfied one day too. I dont think I have ever been more muscular and lean than I am right now but I am more unsatisfied with myself now then I have ever been. Before I started juicing I was a pretty big guy with decent strength but I was nothing special. Even though my body was not as good then I really didnt worry about how I looked. Now its like god damn, I think I am going fuckin nuts. It sucks that I am so displeased with the way I look.
WWWWHHHHHHAAAATTTTT UP SWOLE! You know me bro he he. I won't be satisfied til I'm considered the biggest most ripped Dog in the Universe. We are always our own worst critics and the very nature of who we are will keep us morphing until WE think we got it right. At some point tho,if we have a TRUE goal and vision, we will hit that level we are looking for and say we made it. Your not nuts bro your normal for what we do,if you weren't so picky you wouldnt be where you are right now. The big mofo I know as SWOLEBURN. An Animal Bro to the grave. You work hard and it shows in your development. Much to you, Dog.
never, if we were totally satisfied with ourselfs we would see ourselfs as perfect.... which isnt going to happen
The very nature of bodybuilding is about not being satisfied, powerlifting as well. We always want to be bigger, or stronger.
I'm sure one day I'll be happy. Or at least content... hopefully its not my health that makes me stop.
I claim to have a goal of getting to 230-240 at single digit bodyfat levels. Of course, once I reach that point, I'll still keep training to increase strength as far as I can. I don't want to be too enormous though... But we'll see how I feel when I get to that size. Getting bigger is like an addiction. The more size you get, the more size you want.
nope, probably not here, until i'm about 50, then i might think about enjoying myself.
Yes because as the older i get the more i realize that there is more beyond bodybuilding.

I would like to live a long life and spend it with my family, i would feel to selfish that i left them early.
With me, and pretty sure with everybody else out there, I always have goals that I am trying to reach and once I do reach these goals I make more. We are a different breed of people who will certainly not be satisfied with mediocraty, that is why we choose to better oursleves. It is that choice that seperates all of us from all of them, and I extremely believe that is something to be proud of.
I thought id be satisfied at 165lbs. Now im 215 and still not. Now ill hit 225 and not be satisfied im sure. At 5'9" i should be somewhat satisfied.

Dirkmoneyshot has a good point though.

I think it's human nature to keep improving yourself.
However, I don't think the Greg Valentino look is an improvement.
So I think everybody draws the line for mass gaining somewhere. (except Greg maybe :p )
Though most won't reach that point.
I was happy with the way I looked when I reached 30. Not long after my 30th birthday I started taking more notice of older people around me that were 40 or 50 years of age that were unhealthy, overweight, lacked mobility... Some of these people do make a change in their lives but I wonder what if they would have started sooner?

I never want to become one of those unhealthy lazy people and I won't stop trying to be the in the best shape ever no matter what age I'm at. So now I hit the gym even harder, train heavier, and want to grow more to be able to more when I get old. So I think of my time at the gym as investment for the future when I do decide to retire and travel around the world or just to be able to lift something heavy at the cottage.

Shit what if I'm not married or divorced when I'm 50 it wouldn't hurt to look 40 and maybe score an hottie - LOL
never want to become one of those unhealthy lazy people

this is my exact motivation for training. I've done the lazy thing and never felt worse, short- and long term.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Yes because as the older i get the more i realize that there is more beyond bodybuilding.

I would like to live a long life and spend it with my family, i would feel to selfish that i left them early.
I could not agree more!!