Winny and Test Base

Keeper of Chaos

New member
i am looking for the Winstrol (winny) water based thread. i can't seem to find it. i almost have all my euip and ready to try water based Winstrol (winny) and test susp with base. thanks
Found it

(From: Praetorian @

Take 1 g Winstrol (winny) powder add to vial
Add 2.5 ml PEG400 to vial
Add 1 ml BA to vial
Heat until it goes into solution (becomes clear liquid)
Withdraw clear liquid from vial with syringe and filter using .45 filter into new sterile vial.
Add 15.5ml bacteriostatic or sterile water into vial slowly (drop by drop).
This will bring the Winstrol (winny) out of solution and micronize it...swirl gently until all cloudy(most important part)
Now put stopper on vial and shake vigorously.
Let cool and shake again...cap and you have 50mg /ml pure(sterile) micronized Winstrol (winny) suspension in water.
Keeper of Chaos said:
Found it

(From: Praetorian @

Take 1 g Winstrol (winny) powder add to vial
Add 2.5 ml PEG400 to vial
Add 1 ml BA to vial
Heat until it goes into solution (becomes clear liquid)
Withdraw clear liquid from vial with syringe and filter using .45 filter into new sterile vial.
Add 15.5ml bacteriostatic or sterile water into vial slowly (drop by drop).
This will bring the Winstrol (winny) out of solution and micronize it...swirl gently until all cloudy(most important part)
Now put stopper on vial and shake vigorously.
Let cool and shake again...cap and you have 50mg /ml pure(sterile) micronized Winstrol (winny) suspension in water.

Great bro!!

I still had 20 grams of winstrol powder. I'd found a recipe on anabolicreview, in which PEG400, BA and Polysorbate 80 was used to dissolve.

Slight problem is I have it all, except for the polysorbate. Thanks to this I can experiment tonight.
pullinbig said:
you dont need the polysorbate

I've started a thread about winstrol suspension on the anabolicreview board earlier, here's what they said:

The PS80 is needed in order to "micronize" the winny.

I disagree. originally it was used by some of the guys to avoid clumping. The fact that the Winstrol (winny) solution hits the water (titration) will micronize it. And also, you do not need to drip it in drop by drop like a standard slow titration. You can shoot the whole amount in at once (winny into water), as fast as you wish. It will suspend beautifully without ps80, just make sure you use distilled water.

The PS80 doesn't have anything to do with making the Winstrol (winny) suspend in the water, it'll do that all by itself. Regular water based Winstrol (winny) will clump up and clog your pin unless it's rather large (and tends to hurt). Using the PS80 (and adding it slowly) fixes that shortcoming.
well i made a bunch of it up and didnt use ps80. it worked like a charm. ask dougo. same with him and rjh. in fact dougo didnt drip drip drip it is how we found out that wasnt needed. i aint no rcket scientist but if it worked for three folks who didnt use ps80 i might think that it aint needed.

and how in the fuck does Winstrol (winny) need to micronized after its been melted and put into solution? those fucking dumbasses.

those guys at anabolicreview arte morons anyway. i went over there for one day and got slammed. i mean i only been making my own gear for years and years. i have made al the mistakes you can make and have tried every conceivable combo of solvents, concetrations and carriers. i know what works from experience and not what i read in some damn study.

i been working on my sensitivity skills. how am i doing? its tough on 2g/w of tren though. thank god for the 2g/w of test or I would be off the deep end. =0)
Dutchforce said:
I've started a thread about winstrol suspension on the anabolicreview board earlier, here's what they said:

The PS80 is needed in order to "micronize" the winny.

I disagree. originally it was used by some of the guys to avoid clumping. The fact that the Winstrol (winny) solution hits the water (titration) will micronize it. And also, you do not need to drip it in drop by drop like a standard slow titration. You can shoot the whole amount in at once (winny into water), as fast as you wish. It will suspend beautifully without ps80, just make sure you use distilled water.

The PS80 doesn't have anything to do with making the Winstrol (winny) suspend in the water, it'll do that all by itself. Regular water based Winstrol (winny) will clump up and clog your pin unless it's rather large (and tends to hurt). Using the PS80 (and adding it slowly) fixes that shortcoming.

LOL!!! I replied to that very thread disputing everything that guy was incorrectly spewing. No disrespect to him, I dont want any inter-board war here but he was terribly misinformed. How in gods name a surfactant can micronize a hormone is beyond me. Go the that thread and read my reply.
one of the head honchos over there argued like hell that you had to use solvents with test enan. he said if you didnt it would make a large as s depo and be very painful. hmmm....... last time i checked the melting point of T enan is around 95F. and last time i checked my body tempo is 98.6F.

last time i made T enan i made it 500mg/ml with no ba or bb. it held fine and was smooth as silk. no knots, no pain, just strong ass test.

where in the hell do these guys get their data from. it sure aint from hands on experience.

did i mention fucking dumbasses?

ooops.... there i go again with my sensitivity slipping a point or two.

where is dawgystyle? i need a hug.

of course they all think BA sterilizes anythingit touches too.
pullinbig I'm with you......I have made over 1000mls of homebrew with every fuckin poeder now except tren enanthate, and that's next month. It's funny how guys regurgatate shit without any experience of their own. I use 2%BA in my 500mg/ml test enan, but only to ease my mind using it as a preservative. I had a guy tell me you needed 5% BA and 5%BB to make EQ.....that was good. This shit is an OIL already.
DougoeFre5h said:
LOL!!! I replied to that very thread disputing everything that guy was incorrectly spewing. No disrespect to him, I dont want any inter-board war here but he was terribly misinformed. How in gods name a surfactant can micronize a hormone is beyond me. Go the that thread and read my reply.

btw, every noticed there that they hate baking gear ???!!!!
Deadlift said:
pullinbig I'm with you......I have made over 1000mls of homebrew with every fuckin poeder now except tren enanthate, and that's next month. It's funny how guys regurgatate shit without any experience of their own. I use 2%BA in my 500mg/ml test enan, but only to ease my mind using it as a preservative. I had a guy tell me you needed 5% BA and 5%BB to make EQ.....that was good. This shit is an OIL already.

i recently closed down PB labs. thanks to balco and those dumbass baseball and track stars. oh and pres. bushy heady too. he said i have no character. that hurt. no really......

but anyway my last batch was 2.7 liters when finished. thats a lot of fucking juice. i seriously doubt that those morons over there have even made that much up collectively much less any one of them over the years. and guess what it all held and is doing beatifully. pain free and crystal clear. even the high mg stuff. and guess what no solvents in the deca or eq. a 1% ba but thats it. and you know what else? thjose guys will argue with me that it wont work. it wont work!!!! i just fuckng did it and been doing it for years. wake up and smell the juice jeffro bodine. and most of those guys are 19 years old. prolly never even done any juice much less made any. if you aint made it please be quite. ask questions but we dont need instructs from inexperienced home brewers.

OK i am getting riled up and i must be sensitive of others needs. =0)

deep breath, ahhhhhhhhhhh............ sweet sweet tranquility, serenity, laying in the warm sun, litening to the waves roll in. smelling the salt water and listening to the gulls. sweet thang has her legs around my head, eating uni, hitting a pr in the gym, seeing a tight young ass walking in front of me, pain free 500mg/ml test, sweet thang toying with herself for me, cuddling up under the covers on a cold winters morning.

so to all a good night.
Keeper of Chaos said:
Found it

(From: Praetorian @

Take 1 g Winstrol (winny) powder add to vial
Add 2.5 ml PEG400 to vial
Add 1 ml BA to vial
Heat until it goes into solution (becomes clear liquid)Withdraw clear liquid from vial with syringe and filter using .45 filter into new sterile vial.
Add 15.5ml bacteriostatic or sterile water into vial slowly (drop by drop).
This will bring the Winstrol (winny) out of solution and micronize it...swirl gently until all cloudy(most important part)
Now put stopper on vial and shake vigorously.
Let cool and shake again...cap and you have 50mg /ml pure(sterile) micronized Winstrol (winny) suspension in water.

I've tried this recipe today. It didnt work well!

The winstrol powder doesnt go into a clear solution when heated. I've put in a pressure cooker for 2 x 15 minutes. Didnt work, all I got was a milky looking suspension.

I've used:

5 grams winstrol powder (100 ml winstrol suspension)
12.5 ml PEG400
5 ml BA

Than I've added 77.5 ml bacteriostatic water. I've tried to shoot up 1 ml, but the needle got blocked by the suspension.
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uh... Winstrol (winny) has a melting point of 450F. it aint gonna go to solution less you get it that hot. and why a pressure cooker. put it on the eye of an electric stove or hot plate. if you got a gas stove put it in a frying pan. leave the stopper out of the vial or use a beaker.

should have done a small test batch. like 1 g. what you got now is trash. well you can drink it if you can draw it up for measuring. maybe an eye dropper will work. jujst measure where 1ml is on the eye dropper and try that.

you used too much ba and not enough peg. you dont even need the ba if you got bac water. use 25% peg and Winstrol (winny) powder. heat til it clars. let cool a bit then filter. add water and you good to go. and it will go 100mg/ml pain free and flow thru a 25g pin no prob.

try again sports fan.
pullinbig said:
uh... Winstrol (winny) has a melting point of 450F. it aint gonna go to solution less you get it that hot. and why a pressure cooker. put it on the eye of an electric stove or hot plate. if you got a gas stove put it in a frying pan. leave the stopper out of the vial or use a beaker.

should have done a small test batch. like 1 g. what you got now is trash. well you can drink it if you can draw it up for measuring. maybe an eye dropper will work. jujst measure where 1ml is on the eye dropper and try that.

you used too much ba and not enough peg. you dont even need the ba if you got bac water. use 25% peg and Winstrol (winny) powder. heat til it clars. let cool a bit then filter. add water and you good to go. and it will go 100mg/ml pain free and flow thru a 25g pin no prob.

try again sports fan.

Thanks bro!

It was real easy to pull it up through a .8 mm needle, shooting up was the problem. Its still useful as oral though.

I will give your method a shot next time :D
everytime. about the time the peg starts to smoke the Winstrol (winny) is melting. stir frequently as this helps to disperse the Winstrol (winny) powder.

and 450f is hot guys so please let it cool a lot before filtering or you gonna have a mess.
pullinbig said:
everytime. about the time the peg starts to smoke the Winstrol (winny) is melting. stir frequently as this helps to disperse the Winstrol (winny) powder.

and 450f is hot guys so please let it cool a lot before filtering or you gonna have a mess.

Isnt there another way of heating the vial? I only have a gas stove, and I wouldnt be too happy about letting a vial sit on the flame, or in a baking pan.
Dutchforce said:
Isnt there another way of heating the vial? I only have a gas stove, and I wouldnt be too happy about letting a vial sit on the flame, or in a baking pan.

put it in a frying pan. dont take too long on about medium heat. and why arent you happy about making winny?