Winny and Test Base

DougoeFre5h said:
Just a side note...I had to heat the peg/winny so hot that the peg started smoking. Anyone have this happen?

me too. made some last night. Came out perfect. I did the drip-drip again b/c the last 4 bottles I made one of them clumped real bad. May have just been me, but 3 outta 4 aint bad for such cheap shit. This one came out like milk..... beautiful.

PB, sorry to hear PB labs is closed. lol. If you need to relax, just stare at my avatar for a while... and then just imagine that's you taking the pic. Well, wait, that might just frustrate you more.

And dougie, in reference to your above post about no inter board wars..... was up bro, becoming a MOD makin you soft?? hahahahaha
BuffNuts said:
I made 5 bottles of Winstrol (winny) in water and 2 of them came out perfect where it would seperate from the water..looked real good. I used 2.5 PEG 400 and 1ml of BA with 1g of pwder. I slowly let the water drip down the side and swirled it, then shook the hell out of it...after it sat there for 10 min it seperated. Now the rest of the bottles there after is coming out all milky with no seperation. Still is micronized and looks god but does not seperate from the water...doe sanyone know a trick to get it to seperate?

why you want it to seperate? not hurting a thing. its still winny.
pullinbig said:
put it in a frying pan. dont take too long on about medium heat. and why arent you happy about making winny?

Its not about the Winstrol (winny), I'm just not too happy about heating anything to 240°C without proper equipment.

Just to get everything straightened out;

You put it in a frying pan, without anything in the pan? I mean oil or so?
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Dutchforce said:
Its not about the Winstrol (winny), I'm just not too happy about heating anything to 240°C without proper equipment.

Just to get everything straightened out;

You put it in a frying pan, without anything in the pan? I mean oil or so?

Correct, just put the beaker right on the pan where the eye of the stove would be. Let it heat at medium heat until it starts to smoke just a bit, then let it cool a good bit and filter away.

This is becoming one of the easiest conversions I have done. Although none of them are hard.
RJH8541 said:
And dougie, in reference to your above post about no inter board wars..... was up bro, becoming a MOD makin you soft?? hahahahaha
Baah, they are a bunch of twat weilding psuedo scientists, armchair experts, paper mods and such. lol, JB mods over there...good board :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
thats right. set the beaker/vial right in the frying pan. make sure it aint capped if its a vial. and make sure if its a beaker that its heat treated.

you got a stove and a frying pan you got the right equipment. i use a hot plate, well i used to when pbs was still operating.