Winny and Test prop.


Going to do first cycle with Winstrol (winny) and test prop.. What would be the best doses and length of cycle to do?
First of all... I would just do the test see how your body you do realize that with the test are going to be giving yourself injections EOD ??? Thats a lot of shots....I would try cyp or eth at 500mg a week instead...... but if you insist on the prop.... try it at 500mg a week..... see how it goes... make sure you have novladex on hand.... and before you start.... read more here about it..... good luck
I am 30 years old. I weigh 240 and height is 6' 3". BF% is around 14%. Been lifting off and on for about 7 years and I have been consistant for the last two years. Not missing no more than 2 weeks total through two years. Goals are to gain size and strength.
cmolnari said:
I am 30 years old. I weigh 240 and height is 6' 3". BF% is around 14%. Been lifting off and on for about 7 years and I have been consistant for the last two years. Not missing no more than 2 weeks total through two years. Goals are to gain size and strength.

Ok........I'd definitely go with what thefantom said.........:D
winny by itself is moderate at best. it is deffinately best used in a stack. this s my experience anyway. I use a lot of Winstrol (winny) but i use it for two reasons. 1 strength gains and 2 to help with the sides from tren and deca.