Winny and trenbolone


New member
Ended my bulking cycle a month ago but in the process gain 10%bf but got great mass. Now its time to cut. So, just got 1 bottle of Winstrol (winny) and of trenbolone. My question is should I mix them together, so the Winstrol (winny) won't hurt. Or should I do tren alone first then Winstrol (winny) or the other way around. Used test for bulking in case you want to know.
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It would be OK to mix them in the same syringe, just draw up one then the other.

But do NOT put the whole contents of one vial in the other vial.
Started doing a ketogenic. Eat lots of protein and fat. Using tren and Winstrol (winny) to speed it up. Cardio done in the morning. I didn't do any cardio on bulking.