Winny Crashing Need advice!!


Marshmellow man
Hey guys, I am doing water based Winstrol (winny) (in a larger amount than 1G) .. I mixed the powder with the peg and ps80 ... i heated it up and it cleared up.. i let it cool for a while i put it in the filter (bottle top filter) than it started to clump up... so i took it out and heat it up again and now its clear... i let it sit for a while again and it looks like its starting to do the same thing... what should i do? do i need to add more peg or ps80? or is it messed up? I dont want to put it in the filter while its too hot so it burns the filter.. any suggestions???

do i need to heat it for a longer time? ... the minute it cleared up i pretty much took it out... should i leave it in for a longer time?
Don't filter it bro. Especially not a bottle top filter.

Just add the amount of solution you need into the Bac Water.
i dont understand what your saying...

what i have is the bac wich is ready and sitting there
and the winny/peg/ps80 solution... so your saying not to filter it and put it straight into the back water?
will this Winstrol (winny) nonsense ever stop? what is up with everyone and their brother wanting winny?
pullinbig said:
will this Winstrol (winny) nonsense ever stop? what is up with everyone and their brother wanting winny?

i was in a helping mood. i fucking hate Winstrol (winny).

ok, so are we in aggreement then to NEVER answer another Winstrol (winny) thread question? :D
pullinbig said:
will this Winstrol (winny) nonsense ever stop? what is up with everyone and their brother wanting winny?
Summer is almost here and everyone wants to get cut.
mranak said:
Summer is almost here and everyone wants to get cut.
Yeah and I heard Winstrol (winny) gets you ripped! Even if you're eating 5 quarterpounder super sized value meals everyday! :wiggle:
I inject my Winstrol (winny) right into the adipose tissue. Hurts like a bitch but the emergency sugery performed to remove the absess 3 weeks later beats the hell outa dieting or actually doing cardio.
why is it just becuase you guys don't like Winstrol (winny) you decide not to help... i thought these forums were made to help people out not to critisize what they use. And the Winstrol (winny) i am making is not even for me, i don't use Winstrol (winny). I was just seeking some help, wow!
trisdog said:
why is it just becuase you guys don't like Winstrol (winny) you decide not to help... i thought these forums were made to help people out not to critisize what they use. And the Winstrol (winny) i am making is not even for me, i don't use Winstrol (winny). I was just seeking some help, wow!

its because everyone thinks of a new way to ask the same fucking question. And i did help you. I told you not to filter it. Who ever told you to use a bottle top filter to filter Winstrol (winny), when clearly you should know if you researched that Winstrol (winny) will crash FAST once it cools, was an idiot.

Don't get all bitchy in here when all it takes is some tie to look around at the 14 million Winstrol (winny) threads in the past 3 years at Ology.

Stop trying to re-create the wheel. I can make 100ml of Winstrol (winny) at a time in about 5 mins without using a bottle top filter, or any filter for that matter. Just follow the instructions.
wow you need to relax.. what are you on tren right now? I'm not bitching im just telling it how it is, and like you said there is 14 million threads on Winstrol (winny), you think i havent spent a good amount of time reading through a bunch of them that do not apply to me... anyway if you do not want to help please don't bother replying with stupid shit .. I have a few questions that i hope someone that doesnt have some temper problems can answer...

1. The Winstrol (winny) i made now has flakes/tiny clumps on the bottom, no matter how hard i shake it they still are there.. so i guess this crashed? if so is there anyway to bring it back or is it no good?
2. Can It be used orally even with the flakes
3. Is there anyway Winstrol (winny) can be made in greater volumes like 300-400ML's
It can definitely be used orally crashing is not a big deal, its semi-expected with home winny.

Buy a bigger beaker, make as much as you want.
thanks mudge I appreciate it, So is there anyway to make it back into injectable? or is it only good for oral now?

and i do have a big beaker - 1L media bottle