winstrol users


New member
For those that have gone up to 100mg/ed, was it really worth it compared to just using 50mg/ed? I have heard from some people that 100mg of Winstrol (winny) ed is wicked crazy for shredding. I guess I am just wanting to know if the resutls are really miles past the typical dosage of 50mg ed. :afro:
Never gone over the 50mg. per day but that is with the injectable....Some users have gone 100mg. with IP and say it is great..........I would not do it though.....If i did it would have to be Zambon injectable..........................
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superman1975 said:
i went to 150mg ed for a week and didnt notice much of a difference--stick with a nice liver friendly 50-75mg dose

id definitely agree with that, law of diminishing returns applies here
The only thing I noticed about 100mg ed was that my joints started to ach a bit, and i got a bit of hair loss, but by my standards thats going for no loss, to about 4 or 5 hairs.

I noticed no difference in muscle hardness, strength, fat loss, etc, my diet was also the same the whole way through.