OP, I still think you're full of shit... it's 2015, I think I read 2012 on the bottle? anyway, no matter what you believe, primo is NOT prescribed in north America. Just because you got it from a so-called "dr" doesn't mean it's not UGL with decent labeling. And UGL doesn't make it "lesser" in quality at all.
your kidding me right?
what are you living under a rock (not trying to offend you, just wondering where you've been or if you watch the news or anything)..
heck, there was a documentary on television not to long ago, showing the profiles of three different users of AAS,, one of those guys, they showed him in the documentary going in, getting his doctor prescription and getting his gear (they blocked out the doctors face and the clinic of course).
I'll look it up and post a link to the documentary if I can find it.
This is pretty common man.. not sure why you'd think it is bull shit (unless your jealous and just wanting to be a dick)
for one I blacked out an older bottle,, on purpose.. come on man.. I don't want to black out my current prescription, duh!!
heres another pic of a more recent one
View attachment 560361
again.. have no clue why you would doubt this. ever heard of GOOGLE,, look it up. ever hear of Derek Jeter ?? busted with prescription steroids from the doc..
gezzz man, come on. calling me out for BS on this is BS on your part