Wonderwoman's competition diet journal

Woke up later than I really wanted to this morning, so I feel completely out of sorts.
My gym has limited hours today,so I won't be doing to workout sessions.
Weighed myself this morning..128lb. This is the slowest weight loss ever. Most people would be just shedding the lb's with this similar type of diet/exercise plan...why's my body so stubborn?? WTF? I have actually been really good, no cheating at all!
Weight loss seems to get more difficult each time as the years go on....

I will continue just the same, this is going to take time. It now doesn't feel like I'm doing this to be lean for competition, it's more that I want to defeat my stubborn body and feel like I've conquered it! (btw, thank you for listening to my rant's :s )

Back to low carbs
#1-2whole eggs, 4 whites, zucchini, 1 tbsp salsa
Most people would be just shedding the lb's with this similar type of diet/exercise plan...why's my body so stubborn?? WTF? :s )

Back to low carbs
#1-2whole eggs, 4 whites, zucchini, 1 tbsp salsa

Has anyone crtiqued your training split lately. Miss Muscle mentioned women are no different then men.

Maybe you could post your split?

I did notice you like a lot of set's but didn't post the exercises and you like the 12-15 rep range. Have you tried less volume higher intensity?

If your busting ass this hard and following the strictest of diet, it kinda sounds like a training problem imo.
Bi's & Tri's superset- 18sets,12-15 reps( barely any resting in between sets, kept heart rate up!)

Damn unless you are the real wonderwoman from the show 18 set's of arm's, wooo buddy. I'm kinda shocked no one has helped you out here, it's no wonder your not seeing the result's you want. Man not to mention supersetting 18 set's I'm shocked you were able to walk out of the gym with your arm's still on. You mentioned your sleeping in more damn I guess so, this is overload imo.

I know I bounce around a lot and for now don't look or practice the role but when I changed from blasting individual bodyparts with high rep's and let the compound exercises hit them for me I could literally eat BK drink beer and still gain like a mofo. But again I'm still leary as what work's for women. According to Miss Muscle though nothing different then men. With that being said maybe someone could help you out here on your spilt.
Generally when I'm not trying to lean out, I only change my workout rountine every 4 to 6 wks. When I am leaning out, I intensify it and change ever 2 to 3 wks.
Since I started this diet I have been training alot harder. I only rest 30 to 60 sec in between sets unless I'm superseting.
Basically, unless I have a crazy ass sweat going on....I haven't worked hard enough.
I always try to challenge myself

Since I've increased my training, I am having the most difficult time getting up in the morning because I'm so exhausted.
Any input on helping with training is definitely welcomed!
Well first off your pic you posted on 4-12 about a month ago is AWESOME! You are carrying 131 lbs at 5 3 really well. You can tell your dedicated and are very sexy.

Again I'm rather hesitant to throw to much out there since your a female, but I will say that arm work-out sounded like a little to much volume. Core work and maybe some resistance band work and using kettle balls and Yoga or pilates would really tone you up, imo. It sound's like you don't want to compete your competing against yourself and that's awesome. Before I decided to take my golf game more serious this yr I was doing the same thing. Yea I know most will laugh golf WTF, but I love it and that is where my skills are and I'm not going to compete in BBing or Pling so I say F it. However after listening to advice from a former board member and studying up on routines and training philosophies at EliteFTS I followed their advice and found that what they preach work's, which is less volume/higher intensity. And also letting the compound movement's like squat/bench/dead took care of the smaller body part's. You know what might be helpful for ya is instead of alway's checking your BF% or checking your weight I wonder what would happen if you just logged your work-out's and did a slow progression increase in weight each week. For instance, say this week you squatted 135x10 and left 2 clean rep's left don't go to failure. Then the next week 140x10 with 2 clean reps left in the tank. You get the picture. When this was explained to me to just focus on getting stronger every week the rest just fell in place.

On a side note my girl is a little taller then you maybe 5 5 but very similar build nice solid legs but smaller upper body. It might sound silly but Yoga has helped her like no other keep her body totally proportioned. Again it would be great if you could post your spilt meaning a typical week's training. Like how many day's you work out and what exercises you do on those day's.
Well I just read your log in a little more detail. 24 sets of chest and 22 sets of back, I'm shocked no one has jumped on this yet.
I usually do 4-5 different exercises for bi's at 15,15,10,8,6 sets with 1:30min rest and ever since I started doing this I am getting great results.
so, I've been kinda MIA past few days...they've been fairly busy for me.
I'm now 7 1/2wks out from the show. Since this federation and type of competition is new to me, I am emailing the judges and a friend that is more familiar with this. I have only done figure competitions, so that is what I know and what I train for. This competition is fitness/bikini model so I am not sure exactly what look they are wanting and how they will judge. Hoping to get some feedback soon

Today was a pretty good day energy wise, diet was a little off because I didn't have my own food so I had to work with what I had available. I'm going to start posting some details of my training so that you can have an idea of everything that I'm doing along with diet

#1. 2 slices ezekiel toast, 5 egg whites, 1tbsp cashew butter
#2. 2c salad greens, 1 oz avocado, 1 can tuna , 1 tbsp fat free cal wise zesty ital.dress.
#3.(prew/o) 3oz chicken, 1/3c br rice, 100g asparagus,50g zucchini


10 mins warm up jog
Shoulders (2 warm up sets ea)
Seated DB Press- 35lbs x 10,8,6,6
One arm lateral raises- 12.5lbs x 12,10,8
Cable Front raise- 30lbs x 12,10,8
Rev. Flyes on incline bench- 12.5lbs x 10,8,6,6

Chest (2warm up sets ea)
Flat Bench DB Press- 25lbs x 15,12,10,8
Pec Deck Flyes- 50lbs x 15,12,10

30 mins intervals on arch(cybex)

#4(post w/o) 1sc protein shake, 1/2 bagel
#5. 3.5oz chicken, 2 c salad, 1oz avocado, bals. vineg.
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weigh in today, 128...lol apparently this is the weight of choice for my body!
didn't get up early for cardio, took the day off work to relax for my birthday. Since it's my day I am planning on enjoying a glass of wine with dinner!

#1. 1/2c oatmeal, 1oz raisins, 5 egg whites(pre w/o meal)

LEG DAY!! (trying something different, need to get a good sweat on)

Set1(superset, 3sets ea)
Stiff Leg Deadlifts
20lbs/side x 15reps
Rev lunges w/ barbell
30lbs x 15reps
2 min sprint

Set#2(superset, 3sets ea)
Stiff leg Deadlifts
20lbs/side x 15reps
Split lunges w/ DB
15lbs x 15 reps
2 min sprint

Set#3(superset, 3 sets)
Stiff leg Deadlifts
20lbs/side x 15 reps
Squats w/ DB
20lbs x 15 reps
2 min sprint

30 mins cross trainer(elliptical)

#2(post w/o) 1 sc protein shake, 1/2c strawberries, 1/2 tbsp honey
#3. 3.5 oz chicken, 2c salad greens, 1oz avocado, bals. vineg.
#4. 3oz salmon, asparagus
(now just getting ready to chill with a glass of wine)
Well, I've been on a bit of a hiatus..... I was away for the weekend, went away to a resort to relax. It was great, hit a Scandinavian spa....much needed quiet time!
I trained on friday morning before I left, then just cardio the next 2 days while I was away.
Didn't cheat...much :s I was lucky, my condo had a kitchen so we bought our own groceries and just went out the one night. That is went I had my bday treat, shared a dessert and had some wine. none the less, stayed within 1700 cal's that day!

Weighed myself this morning, 129lbs, but I'm sure it;s a bit of water weight.
Also, change of plans....I was finally able to get some feedback from the judges..basically what they are looking for in the models is not what my body is shaped for. I can't change that, I could keep up the cardio and change my training routines to mainly full body circuits with light weight's and hope for the best....
My concern is that I am a figure competitor and that's how I've trained my body to look. I will be prepping for figure in the fall, so do I really want to change things right now to make it more difficult for me in the fall??
So, I have decided not to do this show and put my focus on the figure shows in the fall so that I can work towards my pro card. However, I would still like to lean out a bit for the summer and keep a good amt of muscle mass too!
Today's training,
Wide Grip Pulldowns
35lbs x 15, 45x12, 45x10, 45x8

DB Bent over Rows

35lbs x15, 40x12, 40x10, 40x10

Narrow Grip Cable Rows

80lbs x15, 90x12, 90x10, 90x8

Underhand grip cable rows
60lbs x15, 80x12,80x10, 80x10

3 x 20reps

20mins HIIT cardio
Its nice to get away from training and relax every once in awhile. As far as the comp goes, I agree with you decision. If you believe that you can be more successful in figure, then focus on that. You have put in a lot of work for this comp, I still think you can do well. :) Either way it is just more experience under your belt.
So the decision has been made to not go through with the bikini competition...I really want to kill it this fall in figure..much more important to me.
However, will continue to lean out for the summer. Thinking about continuing the log just to help me track my leaning out progress and something to hold myself accountable for dieting too.
Diet will change a bit, still keep the calories lower but will incorporate bit more carbs (mainly berries...love them!)
I will still appreciate any input or feedback towards my diet and training. It's all about trying something new and learning what works for you!

Yesterday was was a cardio only day,
50 mins (combo of ellipitical and stair monster!)

#1. 1/2 c oats, 1/4c bberries, 5 egg whites
#2. 1/2 c ff cottage cheese, 1/2oz almonds, 2 c raw veggies
#3. 4oz chicken, 3oz sw potato, 100g asparagus
#4. 1sc protein, 200g strawberries, 1/2oz almonds
#5.(post cardio) 1 sc protein shake & lg gr.salad
(not the best planned meals, it was a busy day)
I never looked at your weight training....I guess you could ease up on number of reps.

I still think you should do what you originally thought....the bikini. I'm not sure why the judges are saying you aren't meant for it. Why is that? Too hard? Too much waist? Add some tan and I think you will be contender.

Since your body is stubborn at this point in time I would cut out fruit and milk products completely now. But keep the cals the same.

And do HIIT cardio if you haven't been.

Do you see changes in your body?
The feedback that I got back from the judges is that they are looking for a softer look. A physique that doesn't have any prominent muscular features. Ex: striations, over developed quads, large delts, any hard muscular features.
Basically, they want a conditioned feminine look. I have never done bikini before,this category is new to me and I have been training my body specifically to be more symmetrical for figure.
I suppose I just don't want to go in not feeling confident that I am going to place well. If I'm not what the judges prefer for that category, then it may seem like a waste of time and money.
Look at it this way though......you are already OVER PREPARED for bikini! That means that you have to actually gain some weight for the contest! How great is that! You can give your body a break and get some more fats and if you want cheats in their!

However I see you are stepping on stage not for yourself but instead to be number one. If that is the case then if you feel figure is best go for it.
So, I've been off for a little bit. Things have been pretty busy for me and I ended up getting sick with a kidney infection :( I am dealing with that right now. I have retained almost 12lbs of water in the past couple days. Not fun.
Not sure what to do with my diet/food intake at this time considering I'm on medication and I don't want anything that's going to make me retain even more water than I already am! I look and feel like a water balloon

As soon as this goes away, back on track for leaning out!!