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^I just seen this on facebook yesterday
^I just seen this on facebook yesterday
Weighing a buck-eighty and shirt so small i can see your ape nipples. I love it when I pick my girl up at her job at a local bar here and i see these dudes and when your girl says thats my bf they instantly look down at the shirt and start blushing like they wanna kick their own ass for it. All you can do is laugh cause you know you put their body weight up for 12+ reps.
I wear tanks occasionally in the gym but im so insecure about my army tats i got overseas i usually just stick to the sleeves. Shit we do when were young man
Why? what do you have? I got my unit logo on my right arm which gets some looks sometimes but i don't give a fuck.
My right arm is completely done elbow down is professional and the elbow up is the jacked up shit from when we were in iraq. Supposed to be dice and ak's but go figure it looks like a cartoon from roger rabbit. I'll get it fixed eventually. What unit/s were you in?
Alpha company/2nd force recon/2nd MEU
I thought about getting my left arm done with maybe a half sleeve. I have 2 korean symbols i got when i was 18 that I wanna get covered up. That or a giant tat of Thor's Hammer
Don't cover up your military shit. Be proud of what you've done!
Don't cover up your military shit. Be proud of what you've done!
Dude were you in afghanistan anytime since nov '10? I was in 3rd ranger bat in logar province about 7 months and we worked with a recon unit not sure which
negative. I've been out since 04 and off active duty since 01. Did my 2 tours in Bosnia/Kosovo
Oh ok gotcha. I was forced out medically considering ive had a couple concussions and lost a good part of my hearing thanks to the wonderful world of iraq/afghan. Kinda bullshit but thanks to the obama admin I had no choice. Getting as many people out as possible if they want or not