xflipside turns to the Dark Side


New member
Hey guys!

Well, after much deliberation, contemplation, and research I have decided I am going to begin my first "real" cycle.

I have had experience with SD, Epi, Halodrol, and some Tren prohormones but all failed due to being young and stupid and not really doing any research. Stopped taking PHs/DSs for a couple years and really focused on my training and diet.


5' 11"

25 years old

180 lbs

BF currently unknown but will be having it tested on Thursday through hydrostatic weighing tank

Photos attached, opinions on BF? We can then see how accurate your guesses are in a few days! Pics are cold upon wakening.

EDIT: It should be noted that I had my bloods tested and everything came out normal except for my testosterone levels. They were 200 ng/dl and my estrogen levels were also extremely low giving a fairly balanced ratio (cant exactly recall the amount for estro, had these bloods done a few months ago)

This is my current layout:

Weeks 1-12 525 mg Test E (pinning 300 every 4 days)

Weeks 1-5 30mgs Winny (I know people typically put this at the end and usually run it at 50mgs but unfortunately I do not have enough to run it all the way through and the source who sold them to me wanted me to run them now so he can see how good this batch is for pricing)

Weeks 1-12 12.5mg Aromasin ED (very sensitive to Estro, may raise this later)

Weeks 4-12 250IU HCG 2x weekly

Was considering maybe something to finish it off with? Suggestions?


Weeks 14-20 Nolva 40/40/20/20

Weeks 14-20 Clomid 100/50/50/50 (sensitive to clomid sides so do not want to run high for long)

Weeks 12-20 Aromasin 12.5mg ED (again may adjust)

Weeks 20-22 Erase 2x Daily

Weeks 14-20 Will run some natty test boosters I have laying around including DAA(3gs) and Tropinol(3 caps daily)

Will be running AIs Cycle Support throughout. Stuff is damned expensive at 20 weeks haha.


Monday: Swimming

Tuesday: Hill sprints in AM. Upper body power PM

Wednesday: Lower body power AM followed by swimming

Thursday: Off

Friday: Chest Back hypertrophy followed by swimming

Saturday: Bis/Tris/Shoulders/Forearms followed by swimming

Sunday: Legs hypertrophy AM Hill sprints PM

Abs every other day and randomly throughout the day (in combination with weighted exercises at the gym)

Have ran this set up before with less cardio and it has worked very well for me.


My maintenance: ~2800-3000kcal

Have been cutting slightly for awhile at 2600 net calories a day

Will be reducing it down to 2400 then 2200 until I am satisfied with my BF% will then switch to a recomp of 200 (3200) kcal over maintenance on lifting days and 500 (2200) under on non lifting days.

P/C/F = 240/210/67 @ 2400 kcal. Calories reduced will come from Carbs.

Any suggestions/clarifications? Input is always welcome!

Day 1

Pinned 300mgs Test E

20mgs Winstrol on wakening (9am)

10mgs at 4pm (right now)

Hit power upper body and I dont know whether or not it was placebo but I felt pretty strong and had solid energy levels for not taking any preworkout.

Also felt a slight euphoria about 1.5 hours post injection and it continues to this moment, but I attribute this to my excitement.
Day 1 Macros F/C/P/kcal: 65/220/225/2365
Day 2
Macros: F/C/P/kcal 96/270/240/2904
20mgs 8:30am winny
10mgs 3:30 pm winny
I forgot to mention in the original post that on Power Leg days I raise my calories to maintenance/slightly above depending on how hard I went in the gym that day. I had awesome energy in the gym, especially for an AM workout being that I am typically a PM kind of lifter.
Other than that not too much mention! Urine has been a bit yellower than normal so Ive decided to raise my water intake to 1.5 gals (from 1.25 gals)
But Way too much cardio IMO

I get lean way before adding cardio, I see cardio as only getting from 10% down to 4-5%
Seems like a lot of cardio. What is your overall goal?

Well right now Im 180 12.5% BF (just got back from the hydrostatic weighing tank today)
Ideally by the end of the cycle Ill be 190-195 10%, so I was thinking cut down to 9-10% then recomp my way up to 190s
Does this seem realistic?
The reason why I have a lot of cardio is because I eat a lot more than 2400 calories a day so I cardio down to that amount, Im usually too hungry to only eat 2400 kcal and Im not a big fan of fat burners on cycle do to the increase in blood pressure from the stimulants..
Thank you! Welcome aboard to the log my friend. And to you as well smittiot!

How much cardio would you guys recommend?
But Way too much cardio IMO

I get lean way before adding cardio, I see cardio as only getting from 10% down to 4-5%
Day 3
Macros: F/C/P/Kcal 100/110/288/2492kcal
20mgs Winny 9am
10 mgs Winny 4pm
Cals a little high today, did not realize my GF made the chicken sauce with xtra coconut oil >< so had to account for that at the end of the day.
I forgot to mention that I do a semi-carb cycle. Its 250+ on leg days, 200 on normal workout days and ideally around 100g on non workout/cardio only days
I bump protein and fat to cover the missing calories, but rarely take over 300 grams of protein due to my 180 pounds of weight.

Side note: Have noticed oilier skin, particularly on my forehead. I have always had an oily forehead but not this oily! Also, that euphoric-like feeling I was experiencing on the first and part of the second day were definately placebo as it has subsided today.
If I were you I would spread some of my workouts out like shoulders on arms day you will never reach your full potential on some muscles because you will tire them out instead of giving all of them a proper rest in between but the rest of your cycle looks good and goodluck to you
I dont know about you but whenever I used to go swimming I would be drained afterwards. Muscle growth is abut giving them time to rest, all that swimming is gonna detract from that imo.
If I were you I would spread some of my workouts out like shoulders on arms day you will never reach your full potential on some muscles because you will tire them out instead of giving all of them a proper rest in between but the rest of your cycle looks good and goodluck to you

Hey thanks man I plan on giving this cycle my all!
Where would you recommend I put shoulders?
I dont know about you but whenever I used to go swimming I would be drained afterwards. Muscle growth is abut giving them time to rest, all that swimming is gonna detract from that imo.

Hmmm... I do note this as well in myself. Would swimming purely for the sake of stretching out and soaking up some sun be a-ok? Instead of sprint intervals. So just reaaally long stretching strokes to extend the muscles and get some light blood flow goin.
Day 4
Macros: F/C/P/kcal 69/259/262/2700

I ate a little extra today because when I was at the gym I just kind of got into the zone and when I finally looked at the time I had been there for 3 hours. when my TDEE only acounts for 1-1 1/2 hour workouts

20mg winny 9 am
10 mg winny 4 pm

Tomorrow morning is the second pin. The first pin I did in my shoulder, 1/2 GSO 1/2 test and had no pip so will probably do my other shoulder then move on to quads, as I only had 1" needles so I am unsure if that will be long enough for my glutes since that is where I store nearly all my adipose lol will try once I cut down some body fat however
Nothing much to report except rest time was definately lower between sets, Id say about a 20% decrease in rest time and a noticeable amount of extra endurance
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Honestly I don't like doing a lot of cardio when cutting. When your cuting you don't have as much energy and such so it's hard to go as hard on the iron. half assing the iron means you might not be preserving/retaining the strength/muscle.

I do love cardio though since I do like staying in shape. Just do more of it when I'm bulking/maintaining not for aesthetic reasons, but health reasons. This is just my opinion though and what has worked for me. Do what you like and what gets you the progress. good log
Cardio is absolutely not necessary for me actually counterproductive. The more I do the hungrier I get (and i mean a high linear relationship) and i just end up out eating my progress or needing to take a couple naps a day to get my mind off eating.

I also do more when i'm bulking, helps with the appetite and keeps me feeling good.
Hmmm... I do note this as well in myself. Would swimming purely for the sake of stretching out and soaking up some sun be a-ok? Instead of sprint intervals. So just reaaally long stretching strokes to extend the muscles and get some light blood flow goin.

To be honest dude I have no idea, to me there is nothing relaxing about swimming (versus just lounging in a pool). For blood flow and to aid in recovery I just do cardio.
Honestly I don't like doing a lot of cardio when cutting. When your cuting you don't have as much energy and such so it's hard to go as hard on the iron. half assing the iron means you might not be preserving/retaining the strength/muscle.

I do love cardio though since I do like staying in shape. Just do more of it when I'm bulking/maintaining not for aesthetic reasons, but health reasons. This is just my opinion though and what has worked for me. Do what you like and what gets you the progress. good log

Hmmm you do have a valid point there...I also love cardio. I will probably remove one of the hill sprint days and dock one of the swim days to just a leisure pool day..seeing as that is what I typically do on a normal cutting routine (I figured since Ill be on gear Id have more muscle retention so could get away with more cardio, but it seems that the general consensus is more isnt necessarily better). Id much rather see muscle and strength gains coupled with fat loss than just accelerated fat loss so I will take all your guys' advice and probably only do 2-3 20minute HIIT sessions a week. I cannot give it all up completely tho cuz I love cardio just like you haha, makes me feel cleaner...hard to describe.
Cardio is absolutely not necessary for me actually counterproductive. The more I do the hungrier I get (and i mean a high linear relationship) and i just end up out eating my progress or needing to take a couple naps a day to get my mind off eating.

I also do more when i'm bulking, helps with the appetite and keeps me feeling good.

Very valid point. I will reduce cardio and then probably bump it up to 4 20 min HIIT sessions a week when I switch to a recomp
To be honest dude I have no idea, to me there is nothing relaxing about swimming (versus just lounging in a pool). For blood flow and to aid in recovery I just do cardio.

I swam competitively from ages 8-18 so I guess lazy swimming is just a nostalgic thing for me to be relaxing. Reminds me of my childhood and the wonders of growing up...lol.
Day 5
Macros: F/P/C/kcal 74/211/242/2478

300mg test 9 am
20mg winny 9 am
10 mg winny 4:45 pm

Ending up pinning glutes, went in smoothly, no pip. Tried quads but for some reason could not get it right...so wasted one 23g needle but thats fine I have plenty more(the oil was not wasted).
Not tooo much to note today. Had great energy at the gym..when Id feel like I was coming towards my last rep Id bang out a few more on top of it. Abs are leaning out very nicely and chest is starting to square a little more.
Was arms day, did no cardio.
Tomorrow is legs and cardio, then rest day and will do a 1 week review.
May also take measurements, even though they will be a bit off from when I completely started fresh.

Until tomorrow
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Flip first off take Test only to see how it effects you. Your excited and a bit rushed! As well tell your source it's your body and to fuck off lol your not his testing dummy. (This is your hormones! Your health!) that's insane. Just absurd. Anyway good luck