Ya ll help me help a dear friend please..


New member
A very dear friend of mine s 14 yr old is an amzing kid with aspiration s of pushing her cheer leading competiton as far and hard as she can..she s also an A student and a GOOD girl..really exceptional.
She eats waay to little.
Hates milk.
She s real picky about both caloeric intake and if she does not like what something tastes like or it s texture, she won't ingest period.
My friend is going to have to pull her from competition due to health reasons unless we can get her to increase both overall caloeric intake and protien.
At 14 this is a dangerous age to pull a young lady out of something she loves to do..rebellion is not in her nature...yet.
Any and all input would be appreciated and my friend will probly be signing in as a guest to view input.
I wish her the best of luck and everything works out.
I wish I did but I dont have any helpful advice on this matter.
not to sound humorous or anything, but the only thing i can think of is marijuana. Not saying its right or anything, but sometimes the simplest things are the substances we least expect. A good family friend was having the same situation, son couldnt eat, or wasnt eating enough. No medication would work, even then... what kind of medication is really out there, except for eating disability classes. They didnt do that, so they secretly got the kid marijuana to smoke, and long behold he gained weight back, since the canabinoid Is known to increase food intake massively. Ive also done alot of study with this. With research, and also with personal family who was diagnosed with cancer, Marijuana was the only thing that could help. With pain wise and also with food intake.

It might be frowned upon, but people need to look past it, and look at the medical positives for it.

any idea what she does like? I didnt like milk as a kid but ate ice cream. If you have any ideas of the food she does like maybe we can build off of it.
It might be frowned upon, but people need to look past it, and look at the medical positives for it.

I dont disagree for an adult but opening that world up to a 14yo is asking for nothing but trouble. If it is an eating disorder counseling would be the first step. If its not then trying to be creative with the foods she does like would be the next logical step.

Just my .02
Wow ! I remember being 14 years old and having all this peer preassure & wanting to look a certain way to be accepted.

Is a hard age, you're evolving into a young lady & your emotions are everywere, entering into puberty can be a very emotional, stressful, confusing, and frightening time.

Does she eat little because she hates the texture, or is a picky eater ?, or is it because maybe she wants to stay slim...
Teenage girls spend a lot of time worrying about what others think and they desperately try to conform to society's unattainable "ideal" body image.

I'am not saying this is how she feels, but is very common in girls, I think her mom should talk to her & see how she feels about not being able to compete, if this is something she really loves, this might be a good opportunity to make her see, that her health in in jeopardy (If her health problems are related to not eating much) & her health does come first !.

If this is more emotional than physical, than take her to a therapist that can help he understand how to be healthier & have a better body image.

(p.s I used to be naturally very thin at that age & my mom would make drink this weight gainer syrup, tasted lke crap & I wouldn't gain weight for nothing)

Some tips for adding cals into her diet:

Add butter or margarine (trans fat-free) to food. For example, at breakfast, spread a generous amount of butter or margarine on bagels, toast, English muffins, or an egg sandwich. At lunch and dinner, use butter/margarine when cooking. Top warm veggies with a scoop.

Full fat or regular cheese and yogurt, cottage cheese instead of skim.

If she enjoys ice cream, regular ice-cream instead of low fat or frozen yogurt .

mix in carnation instant breakfast powder with maybe a yogurt if she likes yogurt.

and slowly increase the maount she eating at every meal, without her noticing.

I hope this helps her ! I wish her the best of luck :)
Tony Suicide...SHE S FKN 14.

Mrs P, I ll refer your input to her and yes it s a difficult age and she s ripped..not emaciated by any means..lil ab machine..pound for pound she can crush me. She s like 73 pounds..petite and the flyer on the squad and LOVES IT. And she needs to kept in it as indicated..dangerous age.
And yes her mama is looking into all the way s to generate a caloeric intake in her diet and asked me and I asked you all so as to make sure I can provide comprehensive assistance in this matter.
Thanks to al of your in put.
Well lets get some clear stats here. Shes female 14 and 72lbs. How tall is she. What does she eat? How many times a day does she eat? What are the foods she eats?
not to sound humorous or anything, but the only thing i can think of is marijuana. Not saying its right or anything, but sometimes the simplest things are the substances we least expect. A good family friend was having the same situation, son couldnt eat, or wasnt eating enough. No medication would work, even then... what kind of medication is really out there, except for eating disability classes. They didnt do that, so they secretly got the kid marijuana to smoke, and long behold he gained weight back, since the canabinoid Is known to increase food intake massively. Ive also done alot of study with this. With research, and also with personal family who was diagnosed with cancer, Marijuana was the only thing that could help. With pain wise and also with food intake.

It might be frowned upon, but people need to look past it, and look at the medical positives for it.
While the greens do have medical application they dont apply when we are talking about a 14 year old a student. Use some reason buddy
Shes tiny..but not emaciated..in her school clothes she looks thin..but healthy.
Break fast..dry cereal .
5 hours later she eats school lunch but she s finicky..eats like half of what they give her..it s lame. Prison food..only drinks water..really.
4ft 8, 4 ft 10 ?
Cute as a button..getting a little curvey but will not...repeat...not eat much.
Her mama is a wonderful cook...and caters to her tastes.
Cheer Monday Tuesday, and Thursday..1.5 - 2.0 hours. It s intense..I can t do the ab aerobic part of warm up. I tried..brutal.
I dropped off a tupeware of vanilla weight gainer as it ll go with anything..
Her mama is gonna spike it with ice cream..and bananas...
She ll let me know and I ll let you all know...
Again..thank s
This one is a rarity people...pretty inside as out....T
what do her meals consist of ? can she take shakes like Ensure, or Nutramin ? they taste really good but high in calories & fat ..
its not uncommon to have girls of that age eat so little...

u have to start off wayyy slow... just make her add one meal every two weeks... actually her bmr shouldn't be anything over 1000...... yup.. 965.. that's what it is.. so she really doesn't need to eat anything over 1500 calories...

does she eat meat? does she eat dinner??

the best thing to do is put high calories things in her meals..

e.g. if mom makes chicken breast.. have her stir fry it with olive oil... the fats are good for her and high in calories...

how bout peanut butter??
or nuts all together?

ice cream is high in calories but not healthy.. but u have to start somewhere...

i wish she was older... u could introduce her to mrs pinga... she's had 3 kids, eats well, and looks great...

the girl needs a role model that isn't the picture on the cover of some teen magazine...
I'm no exPert but 2 things come to mind

1. Take her to a dietician. Sometimes hearing the importance something has sounds differently when from someone other than your parents mouth.

2. Kinda sounds messed up but I'd just consider taking away her privileges. It's amazing what a kid will do when they're not allowed to watch tv or go to the mall...
While the greens do have medical application they dont apply when we are talking about a 14 year old a student. Use some reason buddy

I didnt mean for it to come off bad or misleading. Im just using info ive seen. Cant really say the kids name on here since I dont want that involved. But ive known him for 4 years now. Use to baby sit him regularly,now only on rare occasions cause of the age. But he went to doctors frequently, and i took him on rare occasions also. They put him through hell. With all the classes, and treatments. They inpatient'd him for a while and it destroyed him.

It got to the point of literally giving up. Thats where I stepped in and talked with them all. Ever since we went into the conversation about marijuana the kid has been doing better and holding weight. Yeah at that age they shouldnt be introduced to any form of drug, if its natural or not. I understand where people are hesitant on it. I dont know what the girls true situation is If she just doesnt want to eat, or if shes trying to hold off on the food cause of a image that is portrayed. I honestly dont know cause I'm not her, or her friends, or parents. I was just putting in my little input. Sorry if it offended or disgusted some people.
It s all good TSK..
But this lil one is sooo dear to me I almost ripped you a new one .she s almost family sort of you know ? She actually call s me to check on me..she s so intuitive...it s very unusual for a ll one to be this dialed in..
And I agree 100 percent with your rational of the effect on appetite that THC can have on people like you and me. I d burn it to eat more , but alas I have a son, and a weapon s permit to make my money.

3J and Mass123 ( where have you been Mass.???).
I ll pass all this on to her Mama and all the suggestion s made. She does eat a good dinner and her Mama will make adjustments..problem is with your suggestion s Mass is she is so good..really.
Make s me stop me eating w/o first saying grace..she s a no problem girl.
A trantrum consists of stomping her foot and then, politely shutting her door to her room.
No shit.
Thank s . I need to help her mama square her away...
Im curious how much of it is being picky and how much of it is an unhealthy relationship with food. If this is who I think it is, her mom isnt helping.