yet another blast and cruise quiestion... gona jump !


New member
a little info. have done a few cycles. probably half dozen or so. currently finishing 20 wk cycle.
wk 1-4 dbol
4-12 tren @ 100 eod
1-20 test.
kept to tren to 10 weeks as advised and LOVED it . kept going with test only .

i'm 45 and don't want to do pct anymore (who does right?) curious if i should just blast n cruise til testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) days. have recovered from 20 wk cycles fine before. not really the issue. it's more that i'm getting up there and maybe have less than 10 years i can hit the iron HARD. figuring it's time to stop jogging and sprint :)
realize i may never recover but at my age, not sure i care.

need some info. HOW LONG TO CRUISE?
gona stick to blasting with tren/test. gona ramp up tren a little next time to 75 ed. 400mg test.

thinking to get blood work done after stabilizing but gona run 150mg wk cyp. for a few weeks and have it done.

would appreciate any input....
IMO if you don't absolutely have to jump on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), then don't.
You're 45, not 60.
guess i should clarify. not looking to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) til i have to but know if i blast and cruise, especially at my age, recovery is going to be very tough if at all. know the eventual outcome. problem is, at my age, doing two cycles a year and looong recovery isn't enough. feel like i'm in my 11 hr of training hard and need to hit 4th gear and nitrous button. :)
there seems to be a LOT of info on blast and cruise. more concerned with heart disease and liver ect. would love to get next few years out with blast /cruise. maybe i'm just delusional... all my friends say i'm BIG enough.... lol.
Cruising is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) bro. And if u blast and cruise few a couple years without restarting ur test ull kill ur natty test. So it's either cycle and pct or blast and cruise. U gota choose bro
Blasting and cruising is a straight ticket to trt. You need to give your body some rest from the gear, if you want to continue recovering.
thanks guys... have done a few cycles and for sure understand being shut down on 150mg test or 1000mg :) guess my two concerns are .. anyone have any input on health risks. in all the research i've done. can't find any. also time on vs off when blasting and cruising.
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