Yk-11 unsponsored log, anyone interested?


New member
Hi Guys,

Brand new member, so be gentle about the rambling and the nonsense.

I have been running Yk-11 for the last couple of weeks and keeping notes about training, mood and effects.

A little bit of background on my PED usage:

I started using PEDs about 7 years ago and exclusively use orals (I have a major case of pinaphobia).

The first PED I used was M1T (started at a sprint!) which I found to be amazing! Then I bounced around various prohormones and after 2014 moved on to SARMS, I have used S4, LGD 4033 and Ostarine.

I have got hold of some Yk-11 (won't mention brands) and initially started dosing at 15mg per day (5am, 5 pre-workout, 5 evening). I will be changing my dosages depending on results.

I will log my usage and training if anyone is interested.

NB: I have been running this for 2 weeks, but will post in sections to allow discussion and questions
Day 2
Dosage 5,5,5
Deadlift & Back

Deadlift Pyramid set up to 2x280kg
Wide pull ups 5x15 + 5kg
Lat Pull 5x10 @ 68kg
Incline row superset with Reverse fly 5x10 @ 34kg & 10kg
Seated low row 5x10 @ 75kg

Felt strong throughout the session, top end deadlift felt powerful. Most likely placebo effect.

Day 3
Dosage 5,5,5

Total body circuit training workout

Woke up with massive lethargy, feeling very sluggish. However still powered through a my workout with minimal rest, usually this workout kicks my butt. Nailed it today though, hit all my time marks for circuits

Day 4
Dosage 5,5,5
Rest Day

Still very lethargic and had DOMS everywhere, unusual as I haven't had DOMS in quite a while and my training hasn't changed that much from standard

Day 5
Dosage 5,5,5

Squat pyramid up to 5x8 @ 140kg
Alternate Lunges Superset with Calf raises 5x20 60kg & 145kg
Leg Extensions superset with Leg curls 5x10 @ 145kg & 65kg

Training was full of energy and strength, only stopped due time constraints. Felt I still had a little work in me. Will have to go heavier or greater volume next leg day

The Chest, Back and Leg sessions are all starting points they will be used for comparison at the end of the run
Day 6
Dosage 5,5,5
Chest & Shoulders

Dumbell Bench Superset with Fly 5x10 @ 44kg & 18kg
Incline Dumbell bench superset with Fly 5x10 @ 34kg & 16kg
Seated Dumbell Shoulder press superset with front raise 5x10 @ 24kg each & 20kg
Flat bench drop set 80kg to 20kg in 10kg increments 8reps per set
Cable press superset with Cable fly 5x10 18kg & 13kg

The lethargy when I woke up today was massive, on top of that I was hungry all day and never felt sated but had to still control my intake, don't want to pig out and have to fight back

Day 7
Dosage 5,5,5
Deadlift & Back

Deadlift pyramid set up to 2x280kg failed @300kg
Incline row superset with reverse fly 5x10 @ 34kg & 10kg
Lat Pull 5x10 @ 68kg
Low Row 5x10 @ 82kg

The morning lethargy seems to be becoming my default state, also woke up very hungry, which is unusual. I noticed my upper abdominals seem to be showing through more, but this could be down to being starving. Deadlift session felt stronger but still failed at the top end, disappointing because my PB was 305kg, but that was about 6 months ago

Day 8
Dosage 5,5,5

Lethargy is still present in the morning, hunger has abated. Possibly this is down to me not timing my nutrition correctly over the last couple of days.

Day 9
Dosage 5,5,5

Squats pyramid set up to 2x2 @ 180kg
Split squats 5x10 @ 80kg
Triple set Leg extensions, Leg curls 5x10 @ 145kg & 67kg plus Calf raises 5x50 body weight

Energy throughout the session, seemed powerful not much feeling of exhaustion
Day 10
Dosage 5,5,5

Total body circuit training workout

Powered through the circuits, plenty of energy will have to add some extra to the circuit

Day 11
Dosage 5,5,5
Chest & Shoulders

Dumbell Bench Superset with Fly 5x10 @ 40kg & 18kg
Incline Dumbell bench superset with Fly 5x10 @ 34kg & 14kg
Seated Dumbell Shoulder press superset with front raise 5x10 @ 24kg each & 20kg
Cable press superset with Cable fly 5x10 18kg & 13kg
Tricep extenstion 5x10 @ 40kg

For the first time in so long woke up with no lethargy, felt great. Powered through the training. Didn't go heavy but was explosive. Good session, feeling very good

Day 12
Dosage 5,5,5

Deadlift & Back
Deadlift Pyramid up to 2x280kg
1 arm row (Alternating 10 reps to 1rep=1 set) x 3 @ 40kg
Lat Pull superset with Reverse fly 5x10 @ 68kg & 10kg
Bench Row superset with Zottman curl (10, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps=1 set) @ 34kg & 14kg all for 3 sets
Low row drop sets 75kg to 5kg in 10kg increments 8 reps x 3

Two days on the bounce with no lethargy. Strong session, lots of energy all through the training. Finding new ways to fatigue the muscles aiming for exhaustion.

Day 13
Dosage 5,5,5

Chest & Shoulders
Flat dumbell 5x8 @ 50kg 5x8@ 40kg
Incline Dumbell superset with Fly (8, 6, 4, 2 reps=1 set) x3 @ 34kg & 14kg
Seated Dumbell Shoulder Press superset with Dumbell front raise 5x1 0 @ 24kg & 12kg
Pullover superset with French press 5x10 @ 38kg & 30kg
Flat bench drop sets 80kg to 20kg in 10kg increments 8reps per set x 3

Lots of strength through the session, pushed hard to get some muscle fatigue.

Day 14
Dosage 5,5,5
Squat pyramid up to 3x180kg
Leg extension 5x10 @ 145kg
Bent legged calf raise 5x15 @ 125kg

Absolutely terrible session, strength was fine but I lacked any mental focus. Taking too long during rest and distracted. No explanation for it.

Day 15
Dosage 5,5,5
Rest day
Day 16
Dosage 5,5,5

Full body circuit training

Woke up well, but felt a lot of DOMS in my triceps. Pushed hard through the circuit and completed with time to spare, so added an extra Abs session to the end. Abs are definitely showing through.

Day 17
Decided to up the dosage to 20mg per day @ 10,5,5

Deadlift & Back
Deadlift Pyramid up to 2 x 28okg
1 arm row (10reps to 1 rep= 1 set) x3 @ 40kg
Lat Pull drop set 75kg to 15kg in 10kg increments 8reps x 5 sets
Reverse cable fly 5x10 @ 9kg
Dumbell strict curl 5x10 @ 15kg

Solid session feeling strong, cranking out the reps and full energy through the workout. Abs continue to be visible and core area feels tight, back seems slightly more defined and solid
its great to see that your keeping a log but you have given us no personal stats, how can we see your actual progress? we need your age, weight, height, bf% etc. to see your progress, or even better add some pics.
Day 18

Dosage 5,10,5

Squat 5x10 140kg
Front Squat superset with 1 leg calf raises 5x8 @ 80kg & 5x25 @ 30kg
Lunge superset with Calf raises 5x16 (8each) @ 80kg & 5x25 @ 20kg
Triple set Leg extension 5x10 @145kg, Leg curl 5x10 @ 56kg, Calf raises 5x25 @ 20kg

Good session full energy throughout, legs felt pumped. A lot of volume packed into a short space of time. Looking forward to seeing how hard the DOMS hits.

Day 19

Dosage 5,10,5

Chest & Shoulders
Flat dumbell 5x8 @ 50kg 5x8@ 40kg
Incline Dumbell superset with Fly (8, 6, 4, 2 reps=1 set) x3 @ 34kg & 1kg
Seated Dumbell Shoulder Press superset with Barbell front raise 5x10 @ 26kg & 25kg
Pullover superset with French press 5x10 @ 38kg & 35kg

Short session, not much time, compressed the session by having shorter rest periods. Unexpectedly this didn't leave me any more exhausted. Chest got a good pump though.

Day 20

Dosage 5,10,5

Deadlift & Back
Deadlift Pyramid up to 5x1 slow negative @ 280kg
1 Arm Row Drop sets 50kg, 46kg, 40kg x 8reps x 5 sets
Reverse Flys 5 x 10 @ 12kg

Deadlifts really sapped the time out of the session, but felt strong and as usual full of energy.
Day 21

Dosage 5,10,5

Feel good, no real exhaustion to talk about. Definitely concerned about the lack of exhaustion during training as I only have limited amount of training training time. Need to up the game, increase volume, limit rest time, all that good stuff.

Day 22

Dosage 5,10,5

Squats Pyramid up to 1 @ 200kg
Clean to front squat 5x8 @ 60kg
Front Squat 5x8 @ 80kg
Lunge 5x16 (8each) @ 80kg
Leg Press 5x10 @ 270kg
Leg Extension 5x10 @ 145kg

Limited rest set, felt great, got a decent burn in my quads. Energy during session seems to be a default state now. This is definitely a good thing as I'm getting limited sleep due to work.

Day 23

Dosage 5,10,5


Day 24

Dosage 5,10,5

Dumbell Bench 10x10 @ 40kg
Incline Bench Superset with Incline Fly 5x (8,6,4,2) @ 34kg & 16kg
Seated Shoulder press Superset with front raise 5x8 @ 24kg & 20kg
Cable crossover superset with Tricep extensions 5x10 @ 18 (each side) & 41kg

Good volume session, Triceps feel really pumped, got some spasming after the workout. Didn't feel exhausted but think there was some muscular fatigue.

Day 25

Dosage 5,10,5


DOMS across my chest and triceps.
Day 26

Dosage 5,10,5

Deadlift & Back
deadlift pyramid up to 5x1 @ 280kg
superset wide pull up & bent barbell row 5x10 & 5x10 @ 80kg
superset 1 arm row & standing curl 5x10 @ 50kg & 5x10 @ 35kg
lat pull down drop set 75kg to 15kg in 10kg increments 8 reps x 5 sets

Good level of Volume, biceps felt pumped, last felt pumped, No major level of exhaustion

Day 27



squat pyramid up to 8x8 @ 160kg
Front squat 5x8@ 100kg
Split squat 5x16(8each) @ 80kg
Leg press 5x15 @ 230kg
Leg extension 5x12 @ 145kg

Legs felt pumped, felt like there was good volume, had energy throughout the session

Day 28

Dosage 5,10,5


Dumbell Bench 10 sets to failure @ 50kg
Incline Dumbbell Superset with fly 5x10 @ 34kg & 16kg
Seated shoulder press Superset with barbell front raise 5x10 @ 26kg & 25kg
Cable crossover fly Superset with tricep extension 5x10 @ 18kg & 46kg
Flat Bench drop sets 60kg to 10kg in 10kg increments @ 8 reps x 5 sets

Good power, good energy, good pump. Good session, felt the volume

During the 28 days of YK11 the biggest noticeable effect was the increase in energy during workouts and the level of muscular endurance I experienced.
At multiple times during the weeks I felt as if I had much more to give but was hamstrung by time.

My weight stayed pretty consistent which was surprising as I felt I was putting in more volume but wasn't increasing my calorie intake.

My body became a little more defined but not massively so (see picture below).

I definitely feel that the YK11 was beneficial to my training over the 28 days, however (and this is me being very honest) I don't feel that I utilised the YK to it's full extent.
My training wasn't focused on any particular goal and my diet wasn't optimised.
My rest and recovery weren't planned out very well.
I also trained through sickness.

Even with all these factors at sub-optimal I was still happy with the results, which I will definitely attribute to the YK, as everything else was pretty much my 'normal' lazy lifestyle stuff.
I would recommend YK11 and will probably use it again most likely in a stack when I have a measurable goal.

Any questions just let me know.

On a side note, I'm in the process of getting hold of some LGD3303 and once I have an analysis of it I will be logging that, if anyone is interested