yohimburn sucks

are you a fucking retard? It's not fat in your fucking face it's water!!!

How many times or how many people have to say it? Jeeze... and i thought i was slow. You make me look like Einstin dznuts

Maybe he's talking about his 2nd and 3rd chin... LOOOOOOOOL
my friend has heart problems and cant use gear would this be a good choice for him

yohimburn es contains stimulants, and while systemic uptake is mild. if one has a known heart condition its probably not a good idea.

he might be better off taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), like aifm or exemestane, depending on the nature of his heart condition.

non stimulatory lipolytics and metabolic modifiers like glucorell (r-lipoic), sesapure (sesamin/episesamin), ALCAR (acetyl-l-carnitine) and EGCG (green tea catechin). lipoic and alcar may actually improve heart function.