young juicer regret shkyzofrene now (:-D)


New member
hey guys i use to start test at beggining of my nineteen yo(10 yrs ago) (work out natural for 2-3 years before)

when i was training natural when i was 18 some people often ask me if i was using steroid...

at this period i tought ive never take steroid and when i was juste nineteen i had an opportunity and i was learning about steroid during months...

when i read then it can make grow the penis i go directly on test ...

the result is now i smoke again (stop when began lift) and i lift like one month at summer natural on the goods years

ive got the fuckin side effect that got young juicer which is not large shoulder (due to the bone junction too early of test)

i am not short in high but i got really skinny bones so now i am really wondering

also since like 5 years i take a traitment for shyzofrenya (maybe due to the canabis dont know)

(even thought hs : i must c a endocrinal doc in few weeks i am gonna speak to him of all of that hope he'll prescript me some gh ...)
Steroids would not have stunted your growth if you started using them at 19 bud.

As for mental health steroids wont cause schizophrenia, cannabis can induce it though. My ex girlfriend is a Psychiatric Nurse and the amount of patients she used to see from smoke weed was shocking, it really does mess your head up.

Get your Dr to do bloodworks......Once you have the results put them on here or on the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section.