Your favorite shock workouts?


New member
I was inspired to start this thread from an article in Flex. I didnt post this on the training forum becasue this one is more active and populated. Every once in a while, you need to shock the muscles to make them grow. If you have a good shock workout you like for a spacific bodypart, post it.
A good one for bis I do is, you and your workout partner stand facing each other. Load a straight or easy bar with a weight you can curl roughly 15-20 times with good form. Do one, hand it to him, he does one, do two reps, hand it to him, he does 2 reps, do 3 reps, so on.. until you hit 8 reps, then work your way back down to 1 rep. If you keep your form its killer. I do this if im in a hurry. I do that once, rest 5 mintues, we lower the weight a bit, and do it agin, thats it for bis. I think its called "handoffs" or something.
Front presses supersetted with side laterals moderate weight for 5 sets of each high reps .killer pumps.............:D
I do this once a month and reverse the order of excersises to stimulate new growth in my delts.....:D
I forgot to mention rear delt work as well and traps are trained ..:o
Has any one ever done 100's? You do 100 reps...hehehe...yep, 100 reps in a row. Holy shit does it burn! I got it out of a Flex mag one month and I thought I'm going to try this for a shock.
The pump is absolutely amazing! Of course, you can't use heavy weight or anything. I believe they suggest you start with 50-75 reps and work your way up to 100 reps. I guess it's along the line of Stone Cold's Calf Workout that he posted. Well anyway, if you haven't tried it, try it, it's awesome. Use basic exercises though, such as barbell curls, squats or leg press, pulldowns or t-bar rows, pressdowns, side dumbbell raises and calf raises.
I only do it once in a while, just to really shock the body and believe me, it works!:D
Muscle Rounds - taken from Titan Training (which I still plan on posting)

Can be used with just about any exercise, is somewhere between heavy and light weight reps.

Do 4 10 another 4 another 10 seconds........continue this till you have finished 6 x 4 reps - that is one set. Do 3 or 4 complete sets.

Have fun and enjoy the pain.
StoneColdNTO said:
Muscle Rounds - taken from Titan Training (which I still plan on posting)

Can be used with just about any exercise, is somewhere between heavy and light weight reps.

Do 4 10 another 4 another 10 seconds........continue this till you have finished 6 x 4 reps - that is one set. Do 3 or 4 complete sets.

Have fun and enjoy the pain.

Hey SC, I'm really interested in that Titan Training book. Where can i pick it up or is it even available anymore?
Fyre said:
Hey SC, I'm really interested in that Titan Training book. Where can i pick it up or is it even available anymore?

Fyre......the problem I'm having posting the workouts is I lost the actual book, so I have to reconstruct the workouts from my training logs.

I'll give you a brief over-view for now.
Day 1 - Upper body- low rep, heavy weight/Lower body- high rep, low weight
Day 2- Upper body- high rep, low weight/Lower body- low rep, heavy weight
Day 3- Off
Day 4- Upper body- muscle rounds (as in post above)
Day 5- Lower body- muscle rounds (as in post above)
Day 6- Off
Day 7- Off
It is a 8 week program, then 3 weeks of specialized training on a lagging body part, then 1 week totally off.

Anyways, here's the link to their site;
My favourite involves the use of supersets. I'll do a few straight heavy sets of an exercise, followed by a few supersets, it looks like this
flat bench 3x5 reps
incline dumbell press 1x8 reps, immediately followed by a set of incline flyes to failure. I'll do 3 supersets like this, for a total of 6 working sets, and the muscle is cooked, and i'm out of the gym in record time
StoneColdNTO said:
Fyre......the problem I'm having posting the workouts is I lost the actual book, so I have to reconstruct the workouts from my training logs.

I'll give you a brief over-view for now.
Day 1 - Upper body- low rep, heavy weight/Lower body- high rep, low weight
Day 2- Upper body- high rep, low weight/Lower body- low rep, heavy weight
Day 3- Off
Day 4- Upper body- muscle rounds (as in post above)
Day 5- Lower body- muscle rounds (as in post above)
Day 6- Off
Day 7- Off
It is a 8 week program, then 3 weeks of specialized training on a lagging body part, then 1 week totally off.

Anyways, here's the link to their site;
thanks sweetie, I'll check out their site.;)
RoadHouse said:
A good one for bis I do is, you and your workout partner stand facing each other. Load a straight or easy bar with a weight you can curl roughly 15-20 times with good form. Do one, hand it to him, he does one, do two reps, hand it to him, he does 2 reps, do 3 reps, so on.. until you hit 8 reps, then work your way back down to 1 rep. If you keep your form its killer. I do this if im in a hurry. I do that once, rest 5 mintues, we lower the weight a bit, and do it agin, thats it for bis. I think its called "handoffs" or something.

Me and Mrs. B do this but we do 21's. Of course, we have to swap out bars...
