Traps training - no longer growing

will be implementing . you suggest heavy singles , or multiple reps ? power clean and jerk?

I've never done them. If I currently do strict standing over head presses at 185 lbs for reps ,, what weight would you suggest starting with for power cleans? thanks

Cleans are a pretty technical lift. Wrist flexibility helps a bunch. Not sure what exercise this is but I start with 135 lbs. Deadlift it waist high. Then bend down slightly and jerk the weight up rotating the hands up with the elbows under the bar in the 'clean ' ********** Then relaxing the wrists letting the weight fall, stopping it at waist level again. I keep reps at about 5-7 per set. If 7 is easy add 10# each side until 5 reps is a challenge
If you're looking to build your traps using cleans but don't have the wrist flexibility you can basically do the same thing with an upright row version. Start from a hang clean position and then pull the weight up to your waist then down then up to mid chest then down and then high chest this would be all one rep. It's not quite as good as cleans but it will fry the traps.
i tried these out for the first time ,, super setting them with barbell shrugs (heavy) then went light with this move for high reps .. really got a good pump and plenty of blood flow with this move . thanks man

Also try supersetting them with high face pulls. I try to pull a little high above my head with my hands closer together. Don't pull back farther than your head though especially if your shoulders are tight and don't use a lot of weight just go for burn out with high reps.
Also try supersetting them with high face pulls. I try to pull a little high above my head with my hands closer together. Don't pull back farther than your head though especially if your shoulders are tight and don't use a lot of weight just go for burn out with high reps.

good idea. I've been implementing super setting lighter weight exercises along with the heavier weight shrugs . so I'll do a set of 315 shrugs, then go right to a new exercise (what you suggested with rotated grip dumbbell shrugs, only I do them with 45 plates, go high high rep controlled contraction).

now maybe I'll try doing a tri set and add face pulls in as well. think just overall adding to my volume should initiate some new stimulus, adaptations, overload, etc. and hopefully more growth.
good idea. I've been implementing super setting lighter weight exercises along with the heavier weight shrugs . so I'll do a set of 315 shrugs, then go right to a new exercise (what you suggested with rotated grip dumbbell shrugs, only I do them with 45 plates, go high high rep controlled contraction).

now maybe I'll try doing a tri set and add face pulls in as well. think just overall adding to my volume should initiate some new stimulus, adaptations, overload, etc. and hopefully more growth.

I'm thinking I might have to give that tri set a go myself... always looking for more intensity!!
Man I love this site, Ology! How can u not love this site??!! I literally get everything I need to know from hear, training advise, nutrition advise, AAS advise of course and more! Just had to say. Good stuff right here.
We have all been there, pick up the latest version of whatever bodybuilding magazine out and look for the perfect workout. Now I save my money and time and come here. Just from this thread alone I have an entire new trap workout putt together. Lol. Reality cool guys. Much appreciated!! ( cheesy, I know, but I'm past the age of giving a fuck:-)
Man I love this site, Ology! How can u not love this site??!! I literally get everything I need to know from hear, training advise, nutrition advise, AAS advise of course and more! Just had to say. Good stuff right here.
We have all been there, pick up the latest version of whatever bodybuilding magazine out and look for the perfect workout. Now I save my money and time and come here. Just from this thread alone I have an entire new trap workout putt together. Lol. Reality cool guys. Much appreciated!! ( cheesy, I know, but I'm past the age of giving a fuck:-)

Lol it's good man since joining up here my knowledge has tripled aas training diet ect plus just being able to get guys thoughts and opinions on something we all love doing . Lots of good guys on here with lots of different experience and knowledge to share
Lol it's good man since joining up here my knowledge has tripled aas training diet ect plus just being able to get guys thoughts and opinions on something we all love doing . Lots of good guys on here with lots of different experience and knowledge to share

Yessir!! I couldn't agree more B.
well I'm running some test, deca, and mast, right now .. I'll prob finish it off with some Dbol at the end . slowly keep upping my calories and see if i can put on 15-20 pounds .. if i don't get there this run , after its done I'm taking 6 weeks off and already have a test, tren, mast cycle laid out and ready as well (was going to cut with that one , but maybe I'll just keep bulking) .

yeah next time I'm in a financial position to run a good 8-12 months of HGH I'm definitely throwing some slin in the mix with it

Hows the Test+Deca+Mast compared to Say Test+Tren bro?
Hows the Test+Deca+Mast compared to Say Test+Tren bro?

well i just got done with my 4 weeks off of gear (off of test as well, even though I'm on TRT, stopped that too). The test+Deca+Mast was going pretty good, though my diet was a bit off and did not 'bulk' up near what I had hoped. I cut it short though, as my Hemoglobin shot up to 19.6. Decided to just take a long term break from the Deca (it always drives my RBC up quick).

Just started Pinning the tren Ace 2 days ago . will run it with a real low dose of test 150mg a week, with masteron at about 500 mg per week. and I'm kicking things off with just a bit of Dbol , cause I like the mental edge and fast strength dbol gives me (and having zero test in my body right now i could use it).

I'll be lean bulking with this for 9 weeks. then I'm dropping the Tren Ace, will stay on the Masteron and then 3 weeks after that I will be doing a 5 week blast of MENT (100 mg eod). should put on some size with that after a tren run of lean gains

we will see how that goes :) then I will take a 4 month break or so from all androgens and just run HGH and slin for awhile.
Just started Pinning the tren Ace 2 days ago . will run it with a real low dose of test 150mg a week, with masteron at about 500 mg per week. and I'm kicking things off with just a bit of Dbol , cause I like the mental edge and fast strength dbol gives me (and having zero test in my body right now i could use it).

I'll be lean bulking with this for 9 weeks. then I'm dropping the Tren Ace, will stay on the Masteron and then 3 weeks after that I will be doing a 5 week blast of MENT (100 mg eod). should put on some size with that after a tren run of lean gains

we will see how that goes :) then I will take a 4 month break or so from all androgens and just run HGH and slin for awhile.

looking forward to your updates, thanks for sharing! :p
well i just got done with my 4 weeks off of gear (off of test as well, even though I'm on TRT, stopped that too). The test+Deca+Mast was going pretty good, though my diet was a bit off and did not 'bulk' up near what I had hoped. I cut it short though, as my Hemoglobin shot up to 19.6. Decided to just take a long term break from the Deca (it always drives my RBC up quick).

Just started Pinning the tren Ace 2 days ago . will run it with a real low dose of test 150mg a week, with masteron at about 500 mg per week. and I'm kicking things off with just a bit of Dbol , cause I like the mental edge and fast strength dbol gives me (and having zero test in my body right now i could use it).

I'll be lean bulking with this for 9 weeks. then I'm dropping the Tren Ace, will stay on the Masteron and then 3 weeks after that I will be doing a 5 week blast of MENT (100 mg eod). should put on some size with that after a tren run of lean gains

we will see how that goes :) then I will take a 4 month break or so from all androgens and just run HGH and slin for awhile.

Gh and slin +test right? Curious to hear about ment its in every forum ever since these 2 guys out up a youtube video recently.
Gh and slin +test right? Curious to hear about ment its in every forum ever since these 2 guys out up a youtube video recently.

yeah I will be on low dose TRT while running HGH and slin.

I'll definitely let you guys know how I feel about Ment when done with the blast. I was half tempted to go ahead and run Ment now , but my E2 is low, and Ment amortizes to estrogen very heavily . so i figured I'd be best going right to this Tren blast while I have zero estrogen issues,, instead of the opposite
So is ment just 50mg/ml of tren ace??? I stumbled across some on a sellers site yesterday n that's what I saw except it didn't say what ester it was attatched to but I assume ace. No?

No man ment is ment aka trestalone is derived from nandrolone I'd call it a wet tren it's very potent stuff even in oral form it's more anabolic/androgenic than tren and in oil form it's something like 8 times stronger than tren
Im on 680 mgs weekly nothing else and feel awesome
Ahh and yea it's ace daily dosing
So is ment just 50mg/ml of tren ace??? I stumbled across some on a sellers site yesterday n that's what I saw except it didn't say what ester it was attatched to but I assume ace. No?

completely different compounds. the only similarity is that they are both derived from changing testosterone molecule at the 19th position (19 nor). with tren being 'dry' and ment being 'wet'

ment is a 7***945;-methyl-19-nortestosterone . unlike tren or deca (both 19nors) Ment 'acts' like testosterone in the body. if for example you took only deca , with no testosterone, then your sexual functions would shut down. with Ment it activates male sexual function AND muscle building (you can run Ment without test if you wanted). Ment is the only steroid capable of doing this (Tren is just the opposite).

couple other Notes -
- Tren does not convert to estrogen . Ment converts to estrogen big time (this can be beneficial in a bulk)
- Tren is 5 times more anabolic then Testosterone and has a stronger binding to receptors. Ment is 10 times stronger then Testosterone and Ment does not bind to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), increasing the potency even more

- when you inject Testosterone , up to 95% of it is either converted to DHT , Estrogen, or bound to SHBG (where when bound to this it will remain that way permanently and not be free for muscle building)
- MENT does not convert to DHT and does not bind to SHBG , and therefore leaves a huge percentage of the compound free in the body to go towards muscle building
- being Ment does not convert to DHT there are no prostate or hair loss issues

basic history , MENT was developed for humans (unlike Tren) in the 60s as a male birth control. it shuts down spermogenisis . of course the 'negative' side effect of adding on 20 pounds of muscle, increasing ones blood pressure and weight gain was not ideal for the general public :)
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