Zeeks Spring cycle..Will be my last one

Thanks for the input zeek. Ive been told 800mg per week was the magic number...2 thoughts:
1. That cycle will be my 4th...will be doing test and Anavar (var) with it...do you think i need the 800?
2. My other concern is that amount of oil...im not a big dude....im 5'8 and usually weigh 180-185. At 2ccs max per muscle...can i even handle that amount of oil at the sites per week. I do glute/delt/glute/delt rotation.

Reading your plans of the primo...and the hg prop..which is 50mg per cc.....damn thats a lot of injections!! Lol
Thanks for the input zeek. Ive been told 800mg per week was the magic number...2 thoughts:
1. That cycle will be my 4th...will be doing test and Anavar (var) with it...do you think i need the 800?
2. My other concern is that amount of oil...im not a big dude....im 5'8 and usually weigh 180-185. At 2ccs max per muscle...can i even handle that amount of oil at the sites per week. I do glute/delt/glute/delt rotation.

Reading your plans of the primo...and the hg prop..which is 50mg per cc.....damn thats a lot of injections!! Lol

I gave the least amount of thought to the amount of oil going in at least in the beginning. I did the math last night and came up with 7 inejction locations where I will put 2cc per week in each one. That covers me on the test and primo..when I switch to prop at the end it will complicate more.

My pecs are thick and meaty so I can use them too.

I have 1 glute, 2 pecs,2 delts,2 quads which makes 7 spots ( one glute is scar tissued out and not good for injecting)

If i need to free up two more spots I can do front and rear delts because I have good mass there too.

tri's traps, bi's all those spots I am not comfortable with.

If you plan less than 800 then unload those amps you have and pick something else. You will be let down at 600.
I did and it crashed hard, im gonna try it again and jdo it a lil different, 5% BA, see if that helps.

BTW zeek screw the haters, i fucking love Anavar (var)

Nothing special when run on it's own but good Anavar (var) is the sweetest icing on the cake!!
I gave the least amount of thought to the amount of oil going in at least in the beginning. I did the math last night and came up with 7 inejction locations where I will put 2cc per week in each one. That covers me on the test and primo..when I switch to prop at the end it will complicate more.

My pecs are thick and meaty so I can use them too.

I have 1 glute, 2 pecs,2 delts,2 quads which makes 7 spots ( one glute is scar tissued out and not good for injecting)

If i need to free up two more spots I can do front and rear delts because I have good mass there too.

tri's traps, bi's all those spots I am not comfortable with.

If you plan less than 800 then unload those amps you have and pick something else. You will be let down at 600.
Thanks zeek....appreciate it. Ill either get rid of them or get enough for 800 per week. I have some time to figure that out! Thanks!
Thanks zeek....appreciate it. Ill either get rid of them or get enough for 800 per week. I have some time to figure that out! Thanks!

You got it bro! otherwise like some have suggested here masteron can be used as a semi sub for it.
I have a question regarding the amount of Anavar (var) you're doing. 100mg is a man sized dose, why so much? I take it it's because you're an experienced user, and a dose like that is not for a newb?
I have a question regarding the amount of Anavar (var) you're doing. 100mg is a man sized dose, why so much? I take it it's because you're an experienced user, and a dose like that is not for a newb?

usually with HG Anavar (var) @ 50 is plenty for me. You make a valid point why the need for 100. Maybe a little too much last run mania? Lets see what i can acquire and go from there. Thank you for putting light on that.
Mid cycle and bad news from the Doctor!

I've been having issues from my sciatic nerve this entire cycle. I was told to stay out of the gym for at least 4-6 weeks and I'm currently mid cycle, simple sus kicked off with D-bol on the front end.

I have serious inflammation in my lower back that will not heal without a break. Discs and spacing look to be ok.

This is really shitty news mid cycle when things were going so well on it.

On the bright side I have my spring cycle to look forward to :)

Last shot was friday

Jumping back on HGH sooner than I had planned but this old buzzard has healing to do and I'm a bit concerned with retaining gains with such a long stretch out of the gym. I may work in some LR3 and or DES.

Just venting :(
Sorry to hear the news pops. I hope you'll make a quick recovery and be ready to take on your spring cycle.
Zeek: I fucked my back up royally at the start of summer this year, then I went back into the gym and fucked it up even WORSE.

However, I found I could still train my lower body with this routine:

Dumbell Bulgarian Split Squats
Barbell Hip Thrusts
Glute-Ham Raises (done on the pulldown machine, gets some funny looks)

(I also had to drop all overhead work, Olympic stuff and benching with a powerlifter arch.)

You can hammer your lower body like that without any real loading on the spine. Obviously I am no doctor and don't really know the extent of your injury, so feel free to tell me to get bent, it's just my back was agony (like lying on the floor every night agony) but I could still do this routine without aggravating it.

Just something to consider...
Zeek: I fucked my back up royally at the start of summer this year, then I went back into the gym and fucked it up even WORSE.

However, I found I could still train my lower body with this routine:

Dumbell Bulgarian Split Squats
Barbell Hip Thrusts
Glute-Ham Raises (done on the pulldown machine, gets some funny looks)

(I also had to drop all overhead work, Olympic stuff and benching with a powerlifter arch.)

You can hammer your lower body like that without any real loading on the spine. Obviously I am no doctor and don't really know the extent of your injury, so feel free to tell me to get bent, it's just my back was agony (like lying on the floor every night agony) but I could still do this routine without aggravating it.

Just something to consider...

For my case it is opposite, I am without pain in the back, the pain runs down my left leg from the bottom of my glute muscle all the way down my calf. A nerve is being pinched and all they are saying is that it looks ok and to take anti inflammatory predistone and lay off the gym :(

I'm just going to lay it down for a month and see what happens. This is actually the first time I've dropped being on to rehab an injury.

thx for the info guys
I have bouts with the sciatica at times myself, and hate it. That numb, tingling feeling that won't go away just wears on ya.

I actually screwed my back up pretty good a couple months ago by trying to squat more than I was ready for and ended up in the ER that night. Everyone at work gets a kick out of how my healthy habits are killing me lol
I have bouts with the sciatica at times myself, and hate it. That numb, tingling feeling that won't go away just wears on ya.

I actually screwed my back up pretty good a couple months ago by trying to squat more than I was ready for and ended up in the ER that night. Everyone at work gets a kick out of how my healthy habits are killing me lol

Let the haters hate! :)
Zeek, PLEASE cut that meat outta your diet drastically if you don't want big problems! I have gained just freaking fine ON cycle, on an all vegan diet of 8 glasses of 8oz organic fruits and vegetables (mostly apples and greens) JUICED with a 2step grinder/1ton press juicing system and 3 whole food meals with beans and legumes as primary protein sources. I'm telling you because my last cycle I often refer to as the last since it caused serious blood pressure issues and even some heart and vascular damage.

I used this diet for a month and a half at the end of my cycle when I found out I was basically killing myself. After 3months OFF cycle and on this dietary regimen for 4.5months my BP is perfect, my natural test is 675ng/dl and I'm not like smaller than if I had stuck to the standard western diet protocol of BBQ, bread and potatoes for every meal like all the damn cycles I did before.

Pressed organic juices in a healthy vegan diet can HEAL the body of anything
Interesting diet JJ! and it seems to have worked wonders for you.

I can't give up meat! but I am trying to cut back on the red meat and use more chicken and fish. Now I only eat like 1 big steak per day :) back in my 20's and early 30's I had a 3 T-bone steak per day habit!

Oddly enough my post cycle labs were perfect this last time around. I'm sure the dbol for 4 weeks did it's usual damage. I eat a ton of fruits and veggies as well as a few quarts of green tea per day to try to offset my carnivorous ways . I toss in about 10 grams of fish oil on top of that and cross my fingers for the best!

I've always been a huge eater! I realize it isn't wise for longevity.
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Zeek buddy that looks fantastic!!! Im sure you're quite the monster I hope you put up a pic log too it'd be great to watch your physical changes. I wish I had input to give but to be honest you guys like user, balboa and dadawg are the ones I like to read there input. Aside from what user said about the Anavar (var) what else would people not like it? Ive heard a lotta guys say it makes you feel like shit. And as far as your tes e dose when you did it at a gram did you up your macro's higher to see if that helped you gain anything? (just curious im sure you did). And I also was wondering like Stone said why no kick start. Def love to see something there at the start for ya. Im assuming you just are avoiding the nastier stuff. Anyways have a good day fellas gotta go get my groceries.
I'm no longer a mass monster Pain! I'm old and am lucky to maintain myself above 245 lbs when off cycle. I'm hoping this cycle+ GH + low testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosages(less than 200mg/week) and maybe some peps brought in here or there will keep me above 240 without too much BF when I throw in the towel on the AAS cycles. I do get up over 260 when on cycle these days but I think I'm past my natural limit for off cycle kept gains, at least with my current natty test production. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will change this though!

As you see I'm leaning more and more towards testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) after this run!
Sorry to hear about your lower back Zeek. I had the same thing for a couple years off an on. The only things that helped me were ab work, dropping deadlifts, heating pads, and a chiropractor.