Zeeks Spring cycle..Will be my last one

For my case it is opposite, I am without pain in the back, the pain runs down my left leg from the bottom of my glute muscle all the way down my calf. A nerve is being pinched and all they are saying is that it looks ok and to take anti inflammatory predistone and lay off the gym :(

I'm just going to lay it down for a month and see what happens. This is actually the first time I've dropped being on to rehab an injury.

thx for the info guys

one more thing you can try is when your getting the pain in your glutes shooting down your leg, get a lacrosse ball, sit on it and move around til you hit the sore bit (when it happens you'll know). Then internally/externally rotate your hip a bunch of times (lots and lots of times). You're essentially doing a poor man's version of ART. I hope you like pain, because it'll really hurt, but what a difference it makes.

Just don't want you out the game for long big guy!
That sucks ZEEK. I have a herniated disc in the neck area (c6). Put me out for almost two years a 5-7 years back. Still have the injury and fight it every day. Numb fingers in my left hand, pain any time I sit. Day or two after back or shoulders it's crazy. On top of it I damaged a tendon in my back in the same area. I tried everything. Used to get monthly injects of lidocaine in the back of my neck, too many pain meds and benzos (dropped those years ago). Physical therapy sucked but worked for a while.

Basically I have just learned to live with it.

Hang in there man and honestly a couple weeks out of the gym is good on occasion. Depending on how much time you have left I would consider staying on then back in to the gym in 2-3 weeks just to help keep the weight until you can get back in but if you need more time it's probably a waste. Good luck.
one more thing you can try is when your getting the pain in your glutes shooting down your leg, get a lacrosse ball, sit on it and move around til you hit the sore bit (when it happens you'll know). Then internally/externally rotate your hip a bunch of times (lots and lots of times). You're essentially doing a poor man's version of ART. I hope you like pain, because it'll really hurt, but what a difference it makes.

Just don't want you out the game for long big guy!

I've got my own pocket chiropractor now but between just us I think she has caused more inflammation with her tugs and pulls. I have garbage insurance and need PC to refer me off to get anything done.

That sucks ZEEK. I have a herniated disc in the neck area (c6). Put me out for almost two years a 5-7 years back. Still have the injury and fight it every day. Numb fingers in my left hand, pain any time I sit. Day or two after back or shoulders it's crazy. On top of it I damaged a tendon in my back in the same area. I tried everything. Used to get monthly injects of lidocaine in the back of my neck, too many pain meds and benzos (dropped those years ago). Physical therapy sucked but worked for a while.

Basically I have just learned to live with it.

Hang in there man and honestly a couple weeks out of the gym is good on occasion. Depending on how much time you have left I would consider staying on then back in to the gym in 2-3 weeks just to help keep the weight until you can get back in but if you need more time it's probably a waste. Good luck.

One good thing is what I do have is "old man" muscle. It's been with me a long time and as long as I keep calories up I should not drop below pre cycle stats from just 6 weeks off....I hope so anyway right? :)

Putting in a fast order for GH! planned to stay off till next cycle but looks like it is a need now.

One thing we can't avoid is injury as the time goes by. Lots of new peps promise restoration abilities though so will have some options I hope. We need stem cells! :p

lovin this log keep it alive

Thx J! look for it in early spring!

Sorry to hear about your lower back Zeek. I had the same thing for a couple years off an on. The only things that helped me were ab work, dropping deadlifts, heating pads, and a chiropractor.

Thx VM, going to do all I can to fix this asap!
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you know what man, I've never been a fan of chiros. I'm sure a lot of people use them and get results (although I'm yet to meet one), but what I see most often is people with bad backs going for adjustments, feeling better for a little while, then having to go back for another adjustment. It's treating the symptom and not the cause. All the while the chiro is laughing all the way to the bank...

It's actually something I feel quite strongly about, and something my physiotherapist and I'll vent spleen about often. Hell, half the time the pain relief from a chiro's adjustment is just the adrenaline response from having your spine yanked anyway!

A good physiotherapist on the other hand will prescribe the corrective exercise program, which'll fix your imbalances, weaknesses etc and you'll never have to have an adjustment ever again. You'll be amazed at the difference even something simple like a few sets of bird dogs, side planks, glute bridges and stir-the-pots done a couple of times a day can make to your movement quality and injury prevention.

I recommend finding a good physiotherapist, preferably one from a strength and conditioning background (oftentimes if they don't come from a S&C background they'll give you useful advice like "take some anti-inflammatories and stop lifting weights". Yeah, thanks bud). What a difference it makes. I believe every lifter even if they are not displaying any symptoms should go for a check-up with a physio every 6 months anyway. Your shoulders, back and hips will thank you.

I'm not a doctor, just a guy who's been banged up a load of times despite a relatively short lifting career.

Anyway, wasn't I supposed to be talking about steroids? Heh.

If you'd like some resources, corrective programs etc then I'd be more than happy to help.
You are a good man RDS and I appreciate the information! I'm done whining about the injury! back to planning the spring run. I tossed up a thread on some HG Anavar (var) a little while ago for anyone interested. Anyone know of any other countries that have Anavar (var) being produced in HG facility?

No AP or WP plz :)
Sorry to hear about your back zeek but i am sure you will work it out i guess these things happen with all those years of lifting me personally i have no serious injury's yet but from all the years of doing squats have developed a bigger than normal or protruding bone slightly below my traps where the bar sits rests i also have to be conscious about my posture as well i have a BB type droopy neck when relaxed that's what i call it anyway take care mate

Thanks GT! Injuries will catch us all if we play the game long enough. I've had torn pecs, rotary cuff injuries. Oddly enough GH fixed the rotary! This injury caught me right in my off time from GH. As I'm getting older I need to look carefully at how much off time I take from it. Just the idea of building a higher tolerance to it has kept me cycling it.

We are all still learning!
ive seen friends run the same tests primo and Anavar (var) not HG, no HGH and not for 24 weeks and it deff did justice...you my friend, are going out with a BANG gonna look great... i think i may run a very similar cycle in april may myself as long as i can source quality products...do you have something against sust? too much bloat for what your looking for??
were rooting 4 you!

Thx Omega!

ive seen friends run the same tests primo and Anavar (var) not HG, no HGH and not for 24 weeks and it deff did justice...you my friend, are going out with a BANG gonna look great... i think i may run a very similar cycle in april may myself as long as i can source quality products...do you have something against sust? too much bloat for what your looking for??

Sustanon or Omnadren are actually really good choices for someone looking to score legit HG test. I was running Karachi's during this cycle I just aborted and let me tell you, every shot was smooth! never any lumps, pain or any type of discomfort.

There is always a little nostalgia or romanticism at work when someone is planning a grand finale :)

TY Pain :dance2:
Thx Omega!

Sustanon or Omnadren are actually really good choices for someone looking to score legit HG test. I was running Karachi's during this cycle I just aborted and let me tell you, every shot was smooth! never any lumps, pain or any type of discomfort.

There is always a little nostalgia or romanticism at work when someone is planning a grand finale :)

TY Pain :dance2:

i never looked into omnadren untill you posted that looks like it could be promising...i would be in fckn heaven if i had all the HG shit your talking about hahah one day ill be as experienced and knowledgeable as you

one hell of a grand finale cant wait to see you log on that...
sorry to hear of the injury zeek. i've been dealing with it since i'm 17...37 now. i have a herniated l5/s1...

i had the chronic pain from under the glute (piriformis) down the leg. and i mean chronic...i did consider making a sharp right off the whitestone bridge a few times!! lol my MRI looked like a finger sticking into my sciatic nerve.

about 7 years ago i did 5 or 6 epidural shot directly into that area of the vertebrae.

i believe they inject you with a numbing agent (which last a few hours) and an anti-inflammatory steroid. during this time, i was seeing a chinese md 3 days a week...and it consisted of acupuncture, electro and deep tissue massage. the shots without a doubt helped me, haven't had one in years!

i still have the injury but not so much the chronic pain. i maintain with lots of core work and stretching and the occasional super dose of advil, haha.

good luck man, i know what you're feeling...
I would think the hgh should take care of your pain no? That sucks man my shoulder took me out of the gym for 3 months a long time ago and I was misreable...stay strong nothing beats old man strength and muscle you'll bounce back to full health in no time as long as you take it easy
Don't let old men sell you the BS story that wisdom and experience are so valuable. I'll gladly trade all of it if you can knock 20 years of mileage from me! Who am I kidding I might even wheel and deal for 10 years :p

Omnadren is a good one, be sure to buy it from one of the sources who is based in the same country as the Jelfa plant and chances are very high you will have a legit HG product :)

i never looked into omnadren untill you posted that looks like it could be promising...i would be in fckn heaven if i had all the HG shit your talking about hahah one day ill be as experienced and knowledgeable as you

one hell of a grand finale cant wait to see you log on that...
I would think the hgh should take care of your pain no? That sucks man my shoulder took me out of the gym for 3 months a long time ago and I was misreable...stay strong nothing beats old man strength and muscle you'll bounce back to full health in no time as long as you take it easy

HGH won't hep with pain but it will help prevent and repair injury. I've been wondering if I had been on HGH these last few months would this injury have happened? the magic question. Good news is I should be back on within the next week or two tops. thx for the eoncouragement I refuse to lay down for long!

sorry to hear of the injury zeek. i've been dealing with it since i'm 17...37 now. i have a herniated l5/s1...

i had the chronic pain from under the glute (piriformis) down the leg. and i mean chronic...i did consider making a sharp right off the whitestone bridge a few times!! lol my MRI looked like a finger sticking into my sciatic nerve.

about 7 years ago i did 5 or 6 epidural shot directly into that area of the vertebrae.

i believe they inject you with a numbing agent (which last a few hours) and an anti-inflammatory steroid. during this time, i was seeing a chinese md 3 days a week...and it consisted of acupuncture, electro and deep tissue massage. the shots without a doubt helped me, haven't had one in years!

i still have the injury but not so much the chronic pain. i maintain with lots of core work and stretching and the occasional super dose of advil, haha.

good luck man, i know what you're feeling...

Damn Diggy! I'm familiar with the Whitestone bridge except in my case I was going to toss a wife I had at the time from it :)

You are a trooper dealing with that type of chronic pain and injury. I'm refusing any pain meds and just doing the predistone for the 2nd time now. They are sending me to a neuro 70 miles form my house!
Don't let old men sell you the BS story that wisdom and experience are so valuable. I'll gladly trade all of it if you can knock 20 years of mileage from me! Who am I kidding I might even wheel and deal for 10 years :p

Omnadren is a good one, be sure to buy it from one of the sources who is based in the same country as the Jelfa plant and chances are very high you will have a legit HG product :)

2 shay hahah 10 year deal huh lol id gladly trade some years for some size and knowlegde

thanks for the hg info ill look into it, seems like a hard thing to get a hold of i thought i had a source but im skeptic now:crying:

and as far as the hgh theres no doubt that you know more than me about it butt from what ive heard and read if you were allready on it you probably would have been ok as much as you dont want to hear that...
sucks man you said youll be back in the gym sooner than you thought tho so thats great i would deff take it easy in there best of luck with your recovery!