Zeeks Spring cycle..Will be my last one

good news I did secure the HG anavar for the spring run today. Well it will be secure once it arrives anyway :p

As far as this current injury goes I've decided to blast it with some IGF-DES that I just ordered. My question is since it is seems to be a back issue causing the sciatic problem where should I inject to be as close to the area as possible? and if around the lower back there is no way I am going IM, sub Q nearby will have to work.

It should help keep me leaner while i am in the down time. I've only been out of the gym a few days and already feel terrible

hmmm my idea would be the lower hamstring. You want to stay near the core closer to the nerve, so the glute is out of the question. I would stay away from the knee but as low as you can go where you feel safe... you know what your doing. The lower back just seems impossible to get at and next to the spine eeeeeehhhh fuck that lol. IDK this is an injury that a lot of people get and honestly it plagues them the rest of their life. Hopefully the HGH will kick its ass in. GL Zeek.
It looks like I might have to take a chance on Akebio since they are at least genuine pharm grade HGH. I've been in contact back and forth and they assure me that they were 192aa but have been 191aa for over 5 years.

I know China_wall doesn't trust what they are saying and who would know better than a GH user based in China.

The generics coming out of China right now, well I can't say anything more on that but some will know what I am talking about and why I want to avoid them. It's no wonder so many preach 8-10IU ed and more though

Thank god I put off sending cash today for a bunch of kits
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Just think Zeek, after you get done with buying cycles like this you can open up a loan office to finance other people's cycles!!

That is a shitload of gear my man, you have GOT to post a log and before/mid/after pics!
Just think Zeek, after you get done with buying cycles like this you can open up a loan office to finance other people's cycles!!

That is a shitload of gear my man, you have GOT to post a log and before/mid/after pics!

I'm trying to buy it in sections so it won't hurt as much.

I will definitely log everything for you guys! with pics

I need to find one of those luchador masks online! then I'll be ready for the camera :p

aamen hahaha cant wait to see that log

Sample Log from Zeek's cycle-

Day 3:

My nutz fell off this morning but I bench pressed a Volkswagon that got in my way in the gym parking lot

Just kidding Zeek, I respect the hell out of you bud and look forward to this....let the epic begin!
Sample Log from Zeek's cycle-

Day 3:

My nutz fell off this morning but I bench pressed a Volkswagon that got in my way in the gym parking lot

Just kidding Zeek, I respect the hell out of you bud and look forward to this....let the epic begin!

LMAO! Come on Durst, with the exception of the primo being dosed higher it's a very conservative cycle ;)

Primo needs to be higher

I don't want to lose my nuts, they have been with me a LONG time!
Sample Log from Zeek's cycle-

Day 3:

My nutz fell off this morning but I bench pressed a Volkswagon that got in my way in the gym parking lot

Just kidding Zeek, I respect the hell out of you bud and look forward to this....let the epic begin!

hahahahaha lool great actually laughed outloud for that one
zeek just to clear up the laughter it wasnt at you or aimed at disrespect it was just a funny ass stupid statement lol sum my gf would say too me hahah
I'm an old fart but not a grouchy old fart Pain!

he straight up owned me with his post lol

I enjoyed it too!
ZEEK let me know how the gh turns out. I'm on blues and close to running out. I'm looking at kigs now as they seem to be the best around that I can find. I always assumed generics or some more popular brands were close to hg but they are not. Not even close. My little 3iu a day blues is probably closer to .5 Or 1iu hg. This is just a guess but I'm really not trusting any of the generic hg right now. I'm still thinking kigs are the second best option but I'm going to keep looking.
ZEEK let me know how the gh turns out. I'm on blues and close to running out. I'm looking at kigs now as they seem to be the best around that I can find. I always assumed generics or some more popular brands were close to hg but they are not. Not even close. My little 3iu a day blues is probably closer to .5 Or 1iu hg. This is just a guess but I'm really not trusting any of the generic hg right now. I'm still thinking kigs are the second best option but I'm going to keep looking.

There is still more info to come soon from that other direction, I would just hold off a bit if I were you. stick with the GHRP's etc for now

Goes to show you how little HGH we really need for the fat burning, improved skin etc etc
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You know I've got nothing but respect for ya Zeek!

My wife was wondering why I was laughing my butt off last night when I made the post, she got a kick out of it too!

I do have a semi-serious question though. When I see the difference a cycle or two makes for a guy, I have to wonder what it's like for someone that has been in the game for awhile. Do you usually end up losing a lot of the gains made over time and the next cycle is just to get back to where you were?
There is a big difference in results from the first few cycles compared to later ones. If we kept gaining 15-20 lbs per cycle in LBM we would all be Jay Cutler after a few years. And that just isn't the case or the reality. I'm almost 50 now (long past my prime) I've taken as much as 2-3 years off between cycles before so keep that in mind also.

As cycles begin to stack behind you for real growth you need to push the dosages higher! UGH I hope newbies don't misunderstand what I'm saying here! The other option to higher dosages is off time and lots of it! With long duration of off time come eventual losses. I have a certain size that I won't shrink beyond when I go off for a long time. That size is dictated by my natural testosterone levels. For sub 500 natural levels I can hold on to over 240lbs at my age, no abs but a flat stomach, except after a few meals :p I can go over 270 with some moderate water retention and extra fat when I'm on and bulking. That is a 30 lb yo-yo game. When I am cycling HGH I can stay leaner at the same weight.

Damn I'm a long winded old coot!!!

To answer your question :)

I go up during on times and back down during off times now. My net gains are measured in a few lbs once enough off time has passed. I could change all of that with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at my age and that is where I am strongly leaning now. If I could maintain say 950 for a natty test level on low dose testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I could probably hold 15 or more lbs of muscle permanently. Add some HGH and peps to the mix and I should be kicking around this site with you all for another 20 years :)

You know I've got nothing but respect for ya Zeek!

My wife was wondering why I was laughing my butt off last night when I made the post, she got a kick out of it too!

I do have a semi-serious question though. When I see the difference a cycle or two makes for a guy, I have to wonder what it's like for someone that has been in the game for awhile. Do you usually end up losing a lot of the gains made over time and the next cycle is just to get back to where you were?
Just wanted to add something that might be of interest to some of you guys..

There is an old time vet of the game that I ran into on this site when I came back to the boards. Haven't talked to him in like 6 years. I'm still much the same as i was 6 years ago, big and strong but not much difference in size or strength.

He on the other hand is much bigger and leaner and he was already a big guy!

I'm not going to call him out, he can make himself known if he wants.

Anyway, we talked and he explained to me what was different now as opposed to my last time active on the boards. He said HGH and big dosages + peptides and the usual AAS.

in 05-06 most of the guys were doing 2iu ed of hgh 5 on 2 off around the boards. He was, I was. We all were :)

Anyway heavier HGH + IGF and peps have transformed him and he is no kid in age either.

So back to this cycle for the spring and my plans... One last good AAS run followed up with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) moderate HGH and some peps and I should be GTG.

I'm done blabbing now!
damn zeek...over 270 with little water retention...you are a biiiiig fckn dude lol id be ecstatic with 220 cant ever get past 200 tho so hopefully this igf and hgh will kick 200's ass
damn zeek...over 270 with little water retention...you are a biiiiig fckn dude lol id be ecstatic with 220 cant ever get past 200 tho so hopefully this igf and hgh will kick 200's ass

Remember that big is one thing and big and ripped is another totally different thing :laugh4:

You will get there bro!
It's been a while since I updated this thread so here goes.

The primo is all set and ready for the spring cycle! beautiful bayer amps!

I got enough HGH to start now and get it all worked into my system by the time my last run comes along. It's ankebio and i did my first 4iu this morning. I had almost forgotten how good real pharm grade GH is. I took a nap 20 min after pinning and was having wild dreams..There were women involved, some from the big ole tittie thread and a few from the ass thread we have going here :p Ok maybe not but the dreams were vivid!

Still in PCT from my aborted cycle, just really want to clean out and then I will be diving into low dose testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at 200mg per week until my cycle.

So for now HGH 4iu ed + 100mcg IGF des ed.. will start the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) a few weeks after PCT ends Holding at 260 for now

I'm going to kick the cycle off March 15th!