Zeeks Spring cycle..Will be my last one

Zeek "primo" you mean Primobolan depot? can you give me some informations about this? I'm planning to reach 200 lb with testosterone and dianabol, (now I'm 176 lb), and after this goal I will think of the quality and the maintenance of muscle and what do you advice for this purpose? primobolan only cycles are good? or is it advisable to keep testosterone as base and combine it with other?
Thank you
Zeek "primo" you mean Primobolan depot? can you give me some informations about this? I'm planning to reach 200 lb with testosterone and dianabol, (now I'm 176 lb), and after this goal I will think of the quality and the maintenance of muscle and what do you advice for this purpose? primobolan only cycles are good? or is it advisable to keep testosterone as base and combine it with other?
Thank you

Hi Test

I would always keep testosterone as a base. And depending on your age and a few other factors primo may or may not be right for you. It is a weak steroid compared to most and needs to be run very close to the 1000 mg per week mark to produce the results that make it worth doing. It's hard to get legit UG primo so if you are going the HG route it comes in amps dosed at 100mg per ml. That would be 10cc per week to reach 1000mg! I can't really talk price but lets just say 1 amp of primo costs about the same as two foot long subs chips and a drink lol

If you are young there are cheaper and better options available. If you are an old geezer like me Primo definitely has it's place in a cycle.
ok, I will continue with the good old testo ... and what do you think of combining testo / winstrol for quality and maintenance? may be a better choice than Primobolan?
ok, I will continue with the good old testo ... and what do you think of combining testo / winstrol for quality and maintenance? may be a better choice than Primobolan?

I would prefer test an anavar over test and winstrol. The winstrol can be nasty on the joints and the destruction of your HDL is a real pain also.

VAr is not as bad on the HDL and doesn't bring any of the joint issues that winstrol does.
Just wanted to add something that might be of interest to some of you guys..

There is an old time vet of the game that I ran into on this site when I came back to the boards. Haven't talked to him in like 6 years. I'm still much the same as i was 6 years ago, big and strong but not much difference in size or strength.

He on the other hand is much bigger and leaner and he was already a big guy!

I'm not going to call him out, he can make himself known if he wants.

Anyway, we talked and he explained to me what was different now as opposed to my last time active on the boards. He said HGH and big dosages + peptides and the usual AAS.

in 05-06 most of the guys were doing 2iu ed of hgh 5 on 2 off around the boards. He was, I was. We all were :)

Anyway heavier HGH + IGF and peps have transformed him and he is no kid in age either.

So back to this cycle for the spring and my plans... One last good AAS run followed up with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) moderate HGH and some peps and I should be GTG.

I'm done blabbing now!

Hey Zeek,

So GH and peps, such as ghrp and cjc are good to run together?
Wouldn't that be like running test and a test booster?
Or am I comparing apples to oranges?
Hey Zeek,

So GH and peps, such as ghrp and cjc are good to run together?
Wouldn't that be like running test and a test booster?
Or am I comparing apples to oranges?

Assuming there was a real test booster that worked it would b exactly like that! Outside of clomid and a few other things I don't know of any legit test boosters though.

Some guys do run the peps and GH together. I'll skip the GHRP and CJC and go with HGH bringing in IGF-des and LR3 here and there.

I'm old and don't want my IGF levels to be too high. Problems can come my way.
50mg Anavar daily absolutely crushed my HDL. It was 11 after 4 weeks of administration. My female friend was on 12.5mg Var daily and her HDL was 27 after 4 weeks. I obtained the meds from a US pharmacy.
ZEEK, i am very much looking forward to the log! also why are you not a fan of masteron? and any update on the final cycle layout you will run? goodluck
Thanks for checking in on my proposed plan. It is looking like the HG test prop isn;t going to happen to going with a UGL for the prop.

The ana Anavar (var) I did acquire but ended up giving quite a bit to a friend who some ass hats sold her fake Anavar (var) . still looking for more HG Anavar (var) options, if not half of it will be HG and other half UGL.

I'm dying to start this run!!!

The GH used will be a combo of ankebio and genheal, both pharm grade
Thanks for checking in on my proposed plan. It is looking like the HG test prop isn;t going to happen to going with a UGL for the prop.

The ana Anavar (var) I did acquire but ended up giving quite a bit to a friend who some ass hats sold her fake Anavar (var) . still looking for more HG Anavar (var) options, if not half of it will be HG and other half UGL.

I'm dying to start this run!!!

The GH used will be a combo of ankebio and genheal, both pharm grade

brother tell me you aint hanging it up:eek: you gotta help my old ass get started good:naughty::D
haha it's Zeek's last 'cycle'...which means he's going to cruise after that...Pops will be around for us youngins...
A post whore like me just walk away from this sub culture that I love, hell no! I'm here till stonecold gets the urge to boot me ;)

Several of my buddies on here are calling bullshit to this being my last cycle. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and HGH isn't exactly going clean ya know and that is my plan for after.