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  • Happy belated X-mas 2 u too!! As Mrs P told u, we loved the DVD, soooooo funny :) thanks for offering to send us the other series :) I hear u had a great holiday, hope 2012 bring u & the family many good things :)
    A few things did:)..anyways you have a good group of friends here to give you any and helpful motivation you need.
    Awwww, glad she liked it, I got the same bag for Nellie, she loves frogs too... Was the tanktop the right size ? I wasn't sure if your a small or x-tra small, I used to buy x-tra small for me, now I'm a small (u know why ;)... I love wearing tank tops, have a big drawer full of them.. most are from the gap & old navy.
    anyways, hope the rest of your week goes well..
    what are your new year's plans ?
    chat with ya later
    Thanks it was great, I got more than enough haha. Hope the rest of your holidays goes good too!

    P.S...I like everything about that last msg.. when your husband wakes up in the morning he say's to himself..

    " damn it i'm a lucky guy, every morning I wake up to the most beautiful people one could ask for..feels as though everyday I've won the lottery!...Lucky Lucky"

    Have a nice day..:)
    and Grrrrrr right back at ya'
    I'll love to watch the other episodes ~thank u~ My sis is staying with us & we stayed up last night watching it, (I don't think it's her kind of humor though :( but we had a good time anyways, when we're together we act like 2 high school girls ..Lol I'm sooo happy Ayallah liked her socks, I thought they were so cute, did she like her backpack ?
    Hi there ;)

    Hope u guys had a great x-mas
    P & I loooooved the vid, we couldn't stop laughing, we still have a few episodes to watch, dark humor it's out kind of
    (Love the scene when she's at the restaurant on her date with the wierd guy & he makes those funny faces everytime he looks at her) f'n funny !!!!!!
    anyways, will email u some pics later
    Sweet, bundles of joy hey! I'd be ok with the cold weather, it's get flippin cold up here in Canada...and I love the english accents!
    i know you are a great Mom!!! and you love your kids!!!they grow up so fast now!! what are your plans for christmas? whats santa bringing you:)
    Hey you:) It's great here! The weather is really warm, which is not really "normal" for this time of year. 7 degree Celsius = 44.6 degree Fahrenheit, that'd what it is now..this is what it could be.:( -20 degree Celsius = -4 degree Fahrenheit. But other than that just finishing some xmas shopping/grocerie. And you? How's things your way? How are the kidlets doing? UK hey, love to travel around there one day..many countries I'd like to visit over there.
    Hi hon!! great to hear from you!!! yea my day is going ok so far,gotta do a little more shopping today to get through lol,but its not gonna be to much lol,like you said,its hard this year because of the economy:( how have you been my sweet friend? and how is the little one?
    Hey u,

    Don't remember if I sent u this before, I think is so funny :)

    have a great day !!!!
    Cool, I love decorating :) we put up ours a few weeks ago.
    Now, getting ready to hit the gym.. hope u have a good Monday.
    haha, thanks my friend
    Girl, I had such a busy day today, running all day !, my 6 month old laptop decided to crash on me, well, the charger or laptop won't work, so service thinks it might be a computer issue, they say maybe the mother board, soooooooo had to send it in for repair (UPS) was so busy today, and
    I won't have it back for about 14 to 20 business days,
    (good thing we have a home computer & mr P's lap top) but it still suxs ! and is a pain in the as*
    I have a lot of work contacts, etc there ..
    Went to to get new tires for my car & they have to be specially ordered (Yeap, my car is so special, that I have to buy a specific brand and type (the most expensive) and I have to wait a week to get them,lol... ran errands all day, and then, get home & our 46' LCD 2 month tv doesn't turn on !!! The warranty won't send a tech for another week.. so ...............................................
    C'mon, what's going on here ?? Either our electronics are communicating and obiously have a plot against us,
    or we are just two unlucky mofo's !! hahaha !! laughing as I type this...

    but no worries my friend,

    Hahaha...I got a story for ya about taking the "nappy" off, One day I was running late fer work..had a sitter come in to watch my daughter..haha the sitter was a tad hungover. Anyways my daughter was sleeping last time I checked, so I was about to rush out the door, and I heard gagging coming from down the hall...

    Thinking wtf!? I looked over and my sitter slammed my kids door as quick as she could..and continued to gag while pointing to the room..I looked in and OH MY!!

    She took off her shitty diaper and was finger painting on the wall!! So I Started a bath for her..and said I'm late, Have a nice day! :)
    P.S wait till the taking off of his own diaper comes along...hahahaha oh memories! Have a good one!
    True..but I'm not going to run out and start trying to make babies..and it won't be an accident baby..would have to be planned for sure. haha I won't be the guy on the Maury show saying the famous quote " the babies not mine!" :)
    Sorry, I and it's .com.. Oops:)
    so, it's ! I'm such a dork :( lol
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