Recent content by DrHiney

  1. DrHiney

    cutting cycle

    You should not run ace EOD. For stable blood levels it should be run everyday. Plenty of people run it EOD, however that does not make it the best option.
  2. DrHiney

    cutting cycle

    Is this your first cycle? If so I definitely recommend agains Tren. Also, injections with Tren Ace need to be done every day, and Test prop should be done every other day. This is going to require A LOT of injections. Do not buy into any other info about doing EOD Tren Ace shots, it's a terrible...
  3. DrHiney

    Second Cycle help (Half-Bulk/Cut Cycle)

    You have only trained for 3 years, and this is already your second cycle? Bulking or cutting come from dieting, it does not make sense for you to try and "bulk" for 8 weeks, and then immediately begin trying to cut. Both would come from changes in diet and one or the other would not be effective...
  4. DrHiney

    First Cycle Critique please.

    I would stop training primaries and secondaries together. One if not both groups will be hindered by the other being worked. You could swap it out by doing back/tri and chest/bi or adding bis to your shoulder day, etc.
  5. DrHiney

    21 years old. beginner

    I suggest adding 1,000,000iu/day of HGH to this cycle!
  6. DrHiney

    Gear at 50

    I know you didn't mention having access to this, but if you could get on growth hormone such as serostim, I think it would make a great deal of difference. And with your age, you wont need to use as much as someone in their 20s-30s would to get the same benefit.
  7. DrHiney

    My 1st Steroid Cycle. Testosterone-Enanthate, Aromasin & Nolvadex.

    Almost all Aromatase inhibitor (AI) are contraindicated with nolvadex so they shouldn't be taken at the same time. Nolva should only be used during the cycle to combat extreme cases of gyno. It is not a replacement for an aromatase inhibitor; nolva is an anti-estrogen.
  8. DrHiney

    My 1st Steroid Cycle. Testosterone-Enanthate, Aromasin & Nolvadex.

    You could do either aromasin or nolva for post cycle therapy (pct), but not both. Aromasin can be run during the entire cycle all the way until the end of post cycle therapy (pct). Nolva is usually the more recommended drug for post cycle therapy (pct) because it is specifically used to prevent...
  9. DrHiney

    Tren Only Cycle lol

    Yeah, they probably did a synovex H conversion and didn't remove all the estrogen. The pain makes it sound as though it was definitely prop, lol.
  10. DrHiney

    My 1st Steroid Cycle. Testosterone-Enanthate, Aromasin & Nolvadex.

    Read what I put on page 2 about hCG.
  11. DrHiney

    IGF-1 LR3 for a bigger penis?

    Men are testosterone, women are estrogen. When women take testosterone, their penis grows (clitoris); when men take estrogen (or when their testosterone aromatizes into estrogen), their breasts grow. So it is a similar relationship, just not in the way we wish it would be. While on the topic...
  12. DrHiney

    1st cycle officially underway!

    Yes, it is psychological. Twice a week for enanthate is best. It is not about your levels spiking necessarily, it has to do with the half life, and keeping the levels even. A once a week injection will leave your levels lower the last 1-2 days of the week. Again twice a week is right. Be...
  13. DrHiney

    First cylce need some advice

    ^^This. However if you are trying to avoid adding extra bodyfat/ water weight I would swap the arimadex for aromasin @ 12.5mg ED. If you are wanting to add lean mass and drop a bit of bodyfat I would recommend a 3 day cycle where you alternate your Carb/Fat intake. First, find your maintenance...
  14. DrHiney

    Eva Mendez Sex Tape

    What are all you complaining about? I still got off... lol