Recent content by DTOX

  1. DTOX

    could you get steroids perscribed this way????

    Same here, except my doc started me out at 400mg every two weeks! Now I get bottles of Upjohn Test Cyp for $35 and a box of 100 syringes w/needles for $10. Aint insurance great?
  2. DTOX

    Ephedrine while on cycle

    The only thing I'd watch out for is that ephedrine will really diminish your appetite...which is probably not something you want during or coming off a bulking cycle...
  3. DTOX

    Who Grew Or Still Grows Off Of Small Doses???

    Too many people wonder why they're not making better gains when they keep increasing their dosages but not their calories... :rolleyes:
  4. DTOX

    Anavar Side Effects

    You got that right! But there's a lot of people out there that have to learn this the hard way...oh well...
  5. DTOX

    Anavar Side Effects

    That's about as intelligent as saying "estrogen is a DHT derivative".
  6. DTOX

    Myostatin baby found

    I don't know how lucky he'll be if he dies at an early age from an enlarged heart.
  7. DTOX

    Cynomel 35 mcg ???

    Everything I've read says to take T3 on an empty stomach 2 hours before a meal for max absorption... Anyone care to comment as to the extent food interferes with T3 absorption?
  8. DTOX

    Excited but pissed

    I hope you guys know that if your hair is falling out on Test that it means you have a genetic disposition to MPB and it's going to happen anyways. All the minoxidil, spironolactone, dutasteride, proscar, etc. in the world is not going to do anything but delay the inevitable. My advice: use...
  9. DTOX

    Test enanthate name brands?
  10. DTOX

    Test enanthate name brands?

  11. DTOX

    First cycle opinion wanted!

    Besides all the obvious reasons not to cycle while that fat, at 23% bodyfat you're going to be pumping out a lot of estrogen... I'd scrap everything you've listed and do: anavar - 40mg/day T3 - 50mcg/day For about 10-12 weeks with a long taper on the T3.
  12. DTOX

    test levels

    6000 is a tad high for one person. If you were 12 people then it would be fine.
  13. DTOX

    What your favorite Test?

    If you guys love to feel Test hit you hard & fast then why does everyone keep mentioning Prop instead of Suspension?!?
  14. DTOX

    How to get to a 1200 test level

    What is your obsession with your nuts? 100mg/wk for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) isn't going to shut you down. They may or may not shrink to some degree, but it's not like they're going to atrophy into peas. I just don't understand your posts. It's like you care more about your...
  15. DTOX

    Anavar Cycle

    In my opinion, if you don't have enough for 10 weeks of ox I wouldn't waste your time or cash.