How to get to a 1200 test level


New member
If i have a presc. for 5g androgel.
My starting point (natural production:500)

How can i get to the optimum (natural) level of 1200 whitout shut my nuts to badly?

add antiestrogen?
add andriol to androgel?
add natural supl.?

or try to pass to test injection and cycling it...

Im on a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) plan for depression.
I want to get the most of it mentaly and physicaly...
and keep my nuts in life im just 29 years old.

-10g androgel cost to much
-HCG, i dont think my doc know very much about it...

Also depends how much converts to estrogen, so each person is different as fantom said.
I remember doing 100mg of prop eod, had some blood work done I was in the 2000 range.

No way to do what your asking without going to regular testing of your levels. At best you can gear up good and then add HCG if your quail eggs begin to shrink. But make no mistake, once the test in your body reaches level equal to or greater than your body produces, your boys will stop producing. The trick is to not have them in that state for extended periods where they atrophy.
After 1 week on 5g androgel my nuts are stilll the same seem ok.

But the problem is: after i take 5gandrogel in the morning im feeling great for 6-7 hours after, im feeling down.

in the week end im using a other 5g at 7 pm and i feel much more great during all the day long...

10 g androgel is about 260 $ ouch (for my insurance)

so maybe i will try to get 100mg/week of enant. for home injection. If i could get this i will cycle it the best way possible to keep my nuts alive at well...

My doc is cool and open mind, but i dont think he would give me HCG or clomid or even nolvadex...
He does'nt seem to know very much about that stuff.

I talk to im about a Endo, and he tel me that they are not very (cool) about testosterone suplementation for a yougn man.

So Forum and Internet are the best source for me to get good info.
So the only things i could get to make litle post cycle therapy (pct) is Nolvadex and Clomid on the black market
What is your obsession with your nuts?

100mg/wk for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) isn't going to shut you down. They may or may not shrink to some degree, but it's not like they're going to atrophy into peas.

I just don't understand your posts. It's like you care more about your balls than test levels. If that's the case then just cycle HCG and some anti-Es or something.
Using 5g Androgel, you are only getting 5mg's of test into your system in a 24 hour period.