Recent content by faze

  1. faze

    my ass gets wet, she said.

    ass sweat.
  2. faze

    Sexy Picture Competition

    OP, not to be a perv, but if you wanted to post some nudes... I would totally setup a gallery for you and host it. =)
  3. faze

    just did first thigh inject! i think i fuked up :-O

    If I recall correctly the only difference is that it will take longer to absorb, but it seems like you are just freaking yourself out.
  4. faze

    Steroids on the Plane Part 2

    why didnt you just go to cvs buy a small thing of insulin, peel the lable off and put it on your bottle and put it in your luggage. or mail it ahead of time to a friend/ family.
  5. faze

    Different Biceps Training idea

    why try and rewrite a science that people who have kinese degrees have analyzed time and time again. do a google search, im sure youll be able to find the approx. time it takes EACH muscle to recover. I understand that each person has different genetics, but when it comes down to it muscle...
  6. faze

    anyone use clen as workout stimulant?

    personally when i take clen... i get the shakes, and i dont feel nearly as strong.
  7. faze

    Have you ever had an STD? It's an Anonymous poll. No one will know who you are.

    theres a sick amount of different kinds of hpv(g-warts) some go away, some are perm. in women it gets to be a pain in the ass. cuz they can have them real deep inside. which would mean that we would never see it. in this situation condoms dont help much... cuz supposedly you can get it from...
  8. faze

    Cheated on my girl friend.

    if the girl u cheated with is cool, and will lie for you, then your streight. if shes a jerkoff and has some kina moral trip your gunna be fucked. But its definantly a good try if shes cool. Also, as for the guy.... id say grab some friends... jump his ass... dont let him know who it was...
  9. faze

    Ultra Lab The beast Anabolic Activator and Biosynergy IGF-I

    ok, one thing i will say... is the beast... tastes HORRIBLE, i didnt see much if any results. but god that taste was just... if youve ever gotten to close to some generic insence and gagged. thats what it tastes like!
  10. faze

    So confused. . .

    no2 is BS, dont waste your money, all it does is give you a little 15 minute pump. creatine, go for a sugarfree, not so expensive kind. i would recommend TRAC. creatine isnt even a realy must have. the only must have would be a good protein shake, but watch how many carbs, and sugars it has...
  11. faze

    Creatine and Acne

    i like the TRAC sugar free creatine. Always worked well for me...
  12. faze

    sleep help?

    bulk nutrition has this product called phenibut... its supposed to act kina like valium... but legal... i have problems sleeping myself... a nice glass of water with a table spoon of that in it... i sleep like a baby.
  13. faze

    Juice or HGH

    you also have to look at it from his point of view. Sure they make you bigger faster and you feel awsome. But look at the problems it causes. You got your regular idiots who dont cycle properly and end up needing plastic surgery. You have your highschool kids who use them and end up with...
  14. faze

    serious health issue needs answers ASAP

    What are the symptoms of liver cirrhosis? The symptoms will depend on how much damage has occurred to the liver. In the early stages there may be no symptoms at all and the disease may be discovered as a result of an investigation for another illness. As the disease progresses, tiredness...
  15. faze

    Juice or HGH

    HGH would take quite a few months to give great results. If you have the time and the $$$ (hgh is forkin expensive) then id say hgh... but if your lookin for like a 12 week bulking cycle... hgh is definantly not what you want. Id say stick to the juice if thats the case.