Recent content by gixxerk2

  1. gixxerk2

    Ready to get back on after a 10yr absence, few questions..

    Hi all, been off the gear and forums for about 10yrs and have the last year year being ready to get back into it. I have oils in vials from 10yr ago un-touched, being oil I'm sure all is OK but want to put it out there and get some feedback before I commence, thanks..
  2. gixxerk2

    ECA stack / Heart

    do you know his and his family's full medical history?
  3. gixxerk2

    aussie in need

    lol @ you thinking there is no such thing, on other boards there are different sections for different parts of the world...
  4. gixxerk2

    Steroid Sources And Suppliers

    you're a fucking tool.
  5. gixxerk2

    AS Blood work results

    test the gear.
  6. gixxerk2

    No significant results yet....Up dosage?

    Give it more time and if you still aren't noticing growth check your diet and up your calories before resulting to upping dosages.
  7. gixxerk2

    Could AS test be WAY underdosed??

    how about getting it tested... maybe your diet perhaps??
  8. gixxerk2

    Winstrol orals and alcohol cunsumption

    wtf? Have you done any research what so ever on Winstrol (winny) tabs before using them in a cycle? At all?? If you haven't I suggest you start now and in the mean time stop taking them.
  9. gixxerk2

    Favourite MMA Photos

    it's called English.
  10. gixxerk2

    Winstrol orals and alcohol cunsumption

    if you value your health don't drink.
  11. gixxerk2

    Whatman filter

    I want to filter some UG gear that I have but have no idea about what kind of filter I need or how to do it... also are they re-usable? Please help!
  12. gixxerk2

    A few Sustanon (sust) questions

    just relax, you're doing your own head in thinking about it constantly... like you said you're 4 days in, most of the things your going through are all in your head.
  13. gixxerk2

    Oral Winny...

    makes me look great but makes me mood swing all over the place... Could this be due to the liver toxicity?
  14. gixxerk2

    wow this D-bol is good stuff..

    great read
  15. gixxerk2

    has anyone ever had this??
