Recent content by HGH Man

  1. HGH Man

    Whats builds mass on chest ?

    The best way to train your chest is slow repitions. Pick up a barbell or dumbell of half the weight. Then take let it down at the regular speed your used to work out with and once your at the bottom take 15 seconds to push it up. 4 reps is good but try and see what you can do. This is a training...
  2. HGH Man

    Pituitary gland shrinkage when being on

    How long have you been on cycle ? The pitiutary does'nt shrink the testicles. It will send a signal to the gonads and that will send a message to the testicles and shrinkage will occur like Seinfield. Doing post cycle therapy (pct) as dirrected will not let that happen...
  3. HGH Man

    how to store pregnyl if not using at once?

    No,not if it's mixed.
  4. HGH Man

    ??allergic reactions to steroids... possible??

    Did you clean the area with alcohol first ? Did you asperate ? You do it the proper way and you won't get infected.
  5. HGH Man

    Ending the myth that long term T3 use can damage the thyroid gland

    I have been on Armour thyroid for at least 5 years. Armour is made up of T-3 and T-4 and I have never had a complaint. I get tested all the time. I have a pituitary tumor also. Armour is all natural.
  6. HGH Man

    what about HGH like 5iu on cheat days

    Keep your dose at what it is and do HGH a little longer or lower it. You would probably end up with carpel tunel just like the rest of them.
  7. HGH Man

    Need serious help with HGH.

    HGH does not get inject to the blood stream. If you want to watch it go to waste you can. HGH get directly into to bodyfat or the muscle. Fat on stomach,chest,deltoids,lats,calfs,thighs, anywher you want to get bigger except the penis.that never works. Trust me.
  8. HGH Man

    L-FEM (Letro)

    An effective dose of Letrozole (Femara) is .25-.5mg/day (I use .25mgs/day), but be forewarned, if you go over that amount, it can kill your sex drive. Also worth noting is that there´s a rebound effect on your estrogen when you come off Letrozol. Maximum inhibition of the aromatase enzyme has...
  9. HGH Man

    anavar cycle only help

    Your best off clicking on the steroid profiles on steroidology. Don't take more then 50mg a day. Give it time to "Kick" in. It will take about a week or two before you get stronger.
  10. HGH Man

    Dbol and high bp?

    Almost any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) can make the BP go up. 120/70 is average but throw in a steroid and it can shoot right throught the ceiling. Take a trip to the triage at your local hospital they'll take your bp for free. Then they can tell you what is the best treatment for you. If...
  11. HGH Man

    Genesys Pharmaceuticals 300mg Deca

    Genesyspharms are one of the best out there. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you.
  12. HGH Man

    frozen hgh?

    Once it is mixed then you can not put it in the freezer. The powder will be fine.
  13. HGH Man

    Need serious help with HGH.

    See if the next bottle does the same thing. Generic blue tops come out clear.
  14. HGH Man

    Need serious help with HGH.

    It should be clear when it is mixed properly. Are you sure your bac water is sterile ?
  15. HGH Man

    frozen hgh?

    Unmixed powder is alright to use.Putting it in the freezer was dumb but did'nt hurt it. Just keep it in the frigerator after it is mixed.