Ending the myth that long term T3 use can damage the thyroid gland


Well-known member
One of the most persistent myths in bodybuilding is that T3 use has to be limited in time and/or dose to prevent damage to the thyroid gland. You see bros posting about non-existent people who are supposedly on T3 forever because they used too much of it and destroyed their thyroid gland. NONSENSE!

Nandi (RIP) researched and wrote a great article on T3, which I have stuck in the articles section. Please read it.

This is what I consider the most important myth-busting part of Nandi's article:

Like the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, the thyroid gland is under negative feedback control. When t3 levels go up, TSH secretion is suppressed. This is the mechanism whereby exogenous thyroid hormone suppresses natural thyroid hormone production. There is a difference though between the way anabolic steroids suppress natural testosterone production and the way t3 suppresses the thyroid. With steroids, the longer and heavier the cycle is, the longer your natural testosterone is suppressed. This is not the case with exogenous thyroid hormone.

An early study that looked at thyroid function and recovery under the influence of exogenous thyroid hormone was undertaken by Greer (2). He looked at patients who were misdiagnosed as being hypothyroid and put on thyroid hormone replacement for as long as 30 years. When the medication was withdrawn, their thyroids quickly returned to normal.

Here is a remark about Greer's classic paper from a later author:

"In 1951, Greer reported the pattern of recovery of thyroid function after stopping suppressive treatment with thyroid hormone in euthyroid [normal] subjects based on sequential measurements of their thyroidal uptake of radioiodine. He observed that after withdrawal of exogenous thyroid therapy, thyroid function, in terms of radioiodine uptake, returned to normal in most subjects within two weeks. He further observed that thyroid function returned as rapidly in those subjects whose glands had been depressed by several years of thyroid medication as it did in those whose gland had been depressed for only a few days" (3)

These results have been subsequently verified in several studies. (3)(4) So contrary to what has been stated in the bodybuilding literature, there is no evidence that long term thyroid supplementation will somehow damage your thyroid gland.

I'm going to stick this here for a while also, because it is an important point.
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Great post bro,
I will use it all of my cycle next time like Nasser:)
this still doesnt convince me. there must be some suppression of your thyroid function after using synthetic t3 because ur body will stop producing its own thyroid for a short time
overcrime said:
this still doesnt convince me. there must be some suppression of your thyroid function after using synthetic t3 because ur body will stop producing its own thyroid for a short time
Thats what the article is saying though. Yes, it does stop producing its own but returns quickly once synthetic t3 use is dropped no matter how long the use is.

My tongue burns when I put hot food on it! !!! do you know how I know? This is in response to overcrimes comments.
First of all when it comes to humans there is no certainty in anything, a point and proven fact made today will be disproved tomorrow. The thyroid is a gland and if it came with a written rule book then you show it to me and we will discuss it, otherewise nothing is absolute and nothing is written in stone that cant be broken.
Admirable is your arguement but also futile because of the fact that on a majority of people T-3 had no sides whatsoever, not to say that it didnt effect a minority in a negative way because of that I am quite sure!
The facts of few are written but this is all we have to show for evidence.....and so it is.
Ask and it shall be answered, answer and you shall be questioned. Peace
Thanks DW, I can't stand it when somebody says "It just must be so, just, ah...because I think so..."
I have been on Armour thyroid for at least 5 years. Armour is made up of T-3 and T-4 and I have never had a complaint. I get tested all the time. I have a pituitary tumor also. Armour is all natural.
I never bought into the thyroid shutdown myth, I have read studies where women had been on t3 supplementation for up to five years without a break and after they stopped it took couple of month for the thyroid to return to normal levels. I decided to go to an endocrinologists who confirmed for me that if I take t3 my gland would be able to recover normal production without problem. Than I decided to take t3 with other components for about 3 month, monitoring myself with blood tests during and after. As predicted my levels bounced back within 2 weeks. Currently am on t3 for 4 month, tested on my thyroid and got the blood tests to prove it.
it couldnt take someone months to make T3 after stopping it. you need t3 to survive and participate in metabolism. the pituitary axis works fast, and sensing low t3 levels would stimulkate the pituitary to release TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) rather quickly

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thanks for the post this is the main reason i have stayed away from any stack wiht t3... i have herd this befor throught word of mouth but some extra proof is exactly what i was looking for thanks again
I used 100mcg of T3 for 4 weeks and had my thyroid tested after being off it for 3 weeks. It was perfectly normal.
I was on T4 for about a month. Blood test and low and behold, low levels for my thyroid.

I won't touch the shit again, especially long term! ESPECIALLY T3!
T4 is too unpredictable. T3 is much better. My wife just got her thyroid checked this week after being on T3 for 6 weeks back in april/may. Hers is right in the middle of the range too. Just more proof in favor of T3.